Chapter 3: 'Critical' Information

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RIVALS didn't really know what to expect eating out with THE HUNTERS but, they were pleasantly surprised.

They laughed and joked about things, how they felt about the score and everything else.


Dream went to pick up the last piece of tuna nigiri as there was a massive debate, mostly between Techno and Sam, which instrument was more difficult. Classic argument, especially for Techno, who was very passionate about the topic.

"No, bass is harder as they have to concentrate on their notes as everyone as a different clef!" Techno argued.

"Well, I'm keeping beat for everyone as a metronome!" Sam argued back.

"But the bass is harder to lean as I started out as a treble clef!" Techno said as he stabbed his piece of goyza.

"Drums literally have their own clef as we're percussionists! Not to mention that treble clef instruments can go to the bass clef!" Sam argued.

Bad face-palmed, "We're causing a huge commotion..." He mumbled.

bad's comment was ignored by Techno and Sam, and they were still arguing over this minuscule topic.

Dream was laughing to himself about the situation, since he didn't really expect someone rival Techno's passion for arguing so well, while watching George sleeping peacefully, leaning against Sapnap, eating his bowl of udon as he had his monthly helping of sushi already.

The next table over was mostly THE HUNTERS "assistances" or "acquaintances"; Skeppy, Velvet, Ponk and Callahan, which RIVALS knew their names as all of them had name tags, and Callahan they knew as he was their acquaintance as well.

They were just talking to each other, with bits of laughter as Velvet cracks jokes, mostly referencing Skeppy and Bad's relationship and Skeppy blushing softly out of embarrassment, trying to defend himself; Classic Velvet behavior.

Sam and Techno were still bitching out and Ant was now in the argument as he was the bands [HUNTERS] bass player and came to Techno's defense, as Dream and Sapnap were laughing their butts off with Bad chuckling a bit.

It was interesting and entertaining to both of the bands, especially since both Sam and Techno were known for being the more "mysterious" members in each band [RIVALS & HUNTERS], but now, they were arguing over a dumb topic like children, in a sushi restaurant.

However, by the 10 minute mark off the argument, Sam the backed down by grabbing the last piece of salmon sashmi, off of Ant's plate.

Ant sighed but Techno took this sign of defeat and raised a hand for Ant to high-five. He noticed it and smiled, high-fiving Techno as the two were laughing.

The commotion died down, but everyone was still laughing and joking around.

It was a nice sight since these bands were in a competition against each other, but the two groups saw nothing wrong with it.

Sapnap ordered a small bowl of udon for George as he just woke up from his map.

"I'm probably sounding really weird for asking this question, but George seems to sleep a lot?" Dream asked Sapnap.

"I was diagnosed with hypersomnia, so yeah." George replied as he slowly at his noodles.

"Then how does he stay up for events, like earlier?" Techno asked, joining in as he grabbed a plate of salmon nigiri from Dream.

"Caffeine, lots of it." George chuckled.

"But it sometimes doesn't work." Bad chimed in as he chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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