Having a little fun

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I'm sitting on the couch scrolling through Netflix and I finally decided to just watch "The Vampire Diaries" Brooke and I have watched this show a million times and it never gets old. Half way through the episode the front door opens and Brooke and Jace come in carrying some bags Brooke must have gone shopping. I hoped up and started going through the bags there were some cute things in there that the old me would have wore but not now. Brooke grabbed the bags and dragged me to her room I finally got her to slow down and tell me what was happening. Jace has a concert tonight and your coming with I tried to get out of it but she made a good point I have been cooped up in here for the past week once I agreed to go she told me to pick whatever out. I looked at her and told her the truth my style isn't the same and that I have changed since the last time she saw me I walked out the room to grab a outfit out of my bag. I used to wear a lot of comfy close and not show a lot of skin but I have learned to love my body since I got more tattoos and started going to the gym. I convinced Brooke to let met me pick her outfit out and to go out of her comfort zone. 30 minutes later we are both ready to go I dressed Brooke in a black corset crop top with black leather pants. She added a jacket to be more comfortable wearing the shirt. It's not something she would pick herself honestly but she looks so good. I kept mine simple black dress and my favorite leather jacket. The boys were yelling for us to hurry up and saying we take to long to get ready. Once we got down stairs me and Brooke put on our shoes. When I was putting on mine I look up and saw Parker checking me out. At least I think he was he looked away to damn fast but the boys were dressed in jeans and a t shirts. The black shirt on Parker hugged his figure and you can see how muscular he truly was.

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40 minutes later

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40 minutes later

We finally arrive to the night club where Jace will be playing I was stuck in the back seat with Parker during the car ride. I am so glad we are here I'm ready to forget that night I left. We all walked in music was blaring and people were dancing and having the time of there life. Parker left us as soon as we walked in and Jace had to go get ready to play. So I grabbed Brooke and went straight to the bar I ordered me two shots of Tito's and Brooke one shot. She is usually a lightweight so she gets drunk to easy but me on the other hand it takes a good amount. After we take them we went to the dance floor some guys tried to dance with us but I pushed them away. A couple of songs later Jace comes on and I started to wonder were Parker had went but I couldn't see him. Jace is the lead singer and guitarist for the band the last time I saw them they were okay but since then they have gotten a lot better. Parker showed up with some shots thank goodness. He looked at me shocked and confused then he asked how did I take that and not make a face most girls can't even take these without a chaser. I told him I'm not like most girls but he couldn't hear me cause of the music so I got closer to him and whispered in his ear. He then went to my ear and said oh well what kind of girl are you and winked at me. My face started to feel hot but before I could respond Brooke pulled me to dance. Once Jace got finished playing Brooke wanted to go see him I told her to go ahead and I will be okay by self. Parker had once again disappeared and was nowhere to be found I went to the bar and took a couple of shots I was only tipsy but after those I will probably be drunk. Im back on the dance floor dancing alone when a pair of strong hands grabbed my hips. Normally I would push the off but I'm drunk and don't care the guy pulls me close my back was on his chest and are hips were in sync. Me and this guy grinding against each other was making me feel hot and tingly. When I laid back my head on him I saw what the guy looked like. I was expecting someone I didn't know but it was Parker I was dancing and grinding with him. In shock I pulled away he had a grin on his face and pulled me closer and whispered come on let's have a little fun. I may be drunk but I am not going to hook up with you is all I said. I walked off to the bar where I saw Jace and Brooke sitting I sat beside Brooke and ordered three shots. I can't stop thinking about him and I dancing I need to drown these thots out of my head. Brooke looked at me and told me I should probably slow down but I reassured her that I was okay. Brooke was definitely drunk she kept slurring her words and it was so funny we sat there talking for a little while until we agreed that we should go home. I took Brooke to the car while Jace found Parker. We are all inside the car now and Brooke turns and looks back at me and Parker. I saw you all dancing and she waved her finger back and forth between us. She says y'all would be cute too bad Parker doesn't do relationships. Parker then adds oh I don't think she could handle me and what is that supposed to mean I say. He says oh I think you know what I'm talking about and a grin forms on his face. Who says your even my type and that I would even want to date you when I said that Parker scooted closer and said everyone wants me. I don't and there's nothing you could do or say to change my mind. Well it seemed like you wanted me when we were dancing together or at least a part of you did. Me and Jace both told him to shut up at the same time the rest of the car ride was silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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