my heart is a tree
my heart is a tree
my spine a mass of roots
my heart is a tree
my head is a cavern
my teeth, my teeth
my heart is a cavern inside, a tree
my teeth, my own
my spine broken in by a deer
my heart is a tree, redwood and pulsing
my head, a cavern with a silent pool
my heart is a tree dug up at the root
my blood is the soil
my teeth are my own
my blood filled with soil
my head full of animal bones
in a cavern with a silent pool-my heart, a tree inside my head, a cavern, filled with bones,  my blood, thick and glowing from the reflection of a silent pool, my spirit, she fades from corner to corner, hanging up hair from the branches of the tree, my heart, a tree, inside my head, a cavern, full of bones that she lies on their side, facing the moon, through a hole in my cavern of a head, my blood pools around her feet, she, me, her, the spirit of a girl who labours for heart and for head, a smell of blood lingers, a smell of guilt, and shame, a smell of childbirth and death, she has it all, inside her head, a cavern, me, her- the girl, the woman, the newborn, she picks the teeth from her mouth, bleeding, she lays her head on the ground of the cavern, her head, among the base of the tree, her heart, her heart, heavy, empty, dripping with blood, she bleeds out on the floor of her head, the girl, the girl bleeds into the water, a silent pool of water, red, the woman, a woman, always a girl, emerges, newborn, startled and sensitive, dripping with hair and blood, she smells like guilt and shame and hatred and something else,
something else,
something else
something else
the smell of some thing unfurling, she smells like grit, heavy and red, a reckoning, a renewal, an answer, the earth, she smells metallic, electric, sour and full, chalk, salt, ash, a smell of birth, a bloody life, a heart full of life, a head full of lies, a lie, a sour one, evil, acid, screaming, UNFURLING, full full full, becoming BECOMING BECOMING BECOMING

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