Chapter 9

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19.50 in mayor gala party

In outside of mayor building there is polices cars and ambulances that have been and people is been treated and police have been investigating the scene and George stacy and yuri on questions people

George: all guest on this party that we ask questions say that nobody been taken on hostage but the one who been kidnapped is Peter Parker only but no one known or see who kidnapper is?

All viewers except villains is alert because peter been kidnapped but the smart one knowns that peter have a way to getting out of trouble

As they walk and approaching the ambulance that contain tony stark and mary jane that been check by doctor

Tony: i am fine thank you very and keep that away (as he shove the light on hus face and see captain George Stacy and yuri) hello who are you?

George: (not amused) captain George stacy and yuri watanabe NYPD want to question to you

Tony: is this about the one who kidnapped the ceo of parker enterprises well sorry i don't know who kidnapped as i just saving civilian to exit(lie)

Mary jane only quiet but look annoyed at tony because as that time he hiding in one of the tables

All villains and heroes looking at tony

Dr doom: doom think you are a fools and a coward when you doesn't bring and armor

Tony: how dare you!!!

Dr doom: yes i dare you stark

??: Tony

As someone call him, he and. George Stacy and yuri look who call him and see the avenger and spider warrior just arrive in quinjet and also defender all walk to him

Tony: hey guys don't worry i am save and saving people

??: No you're not!!

And see someone shout and see that is betty brant and she look piss of

The viewers: oh man she is piss

Tony feels scare looking at Betty counterpart and he looking at betty who also looking at him with death glare. And he just crounch to make him small

Tony: ahh ms brant is good to see you safe

As that unexpected is betty slap him hard much to surprise heroes and George and yuri

Betty: you a coward i see you hiding saving my ass

Villains and civilian and heroes: oohhhh you just got slap

Tony touch his face can feels the sting

As she want to strike him again suddenly someone hold her shoulder and see Alfred in driver suit hold her

Alfred: calm down ms brant you need calm down take a deep breath

As the avenger see him but also to Hawkeye ( hate say his hero name 😡 i prefer mcu that deserve to be called hawkeye) and black widow to see alfred in real flesh but they keep quiet to be fan moment

As she calm down George ask her

George: ms brant i gonna ask you do you know where mr parker is

Betty: i don't know when the window broke down and the mans in black suit and mask start shooting and one of them throw smoke bomb and then mr parker protecting me and mayor but suddenly we got separate

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