Two Sides

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“I can't believe this is happening,”  I said, running my fingers through my long hair. My breathing was irregular and I swore my heart was having palpitations.

            “I know this is a lot for you to take in, Mel, but you have to try and understand,” my mother said comfortingly, placing her delicate fingers on my shoulders. I turned to face her, and, unable to hold it in anymore, I let out a soft cry. The tears streamed down my face, cutting my cheeks with my mother's harsh past.

            “What is he?” I asked. My mother only let out a not-so-comforting sigh.

            “Mel, listen, I know there must be a million questions running through your head, but I can't tell you anything. You'll be safer if you don't know and just forget about him.”

            “So, what? You're not even going to talk to me about this?” I asked. I could feel the anger seething through my thin milky skin.

            “Please try and under-”

            “No, mom! Don't you see? Not communicating about this is what got us into this mess in the first place.”

            “No,” my mother adamantly disagreed. “Elijah is what got us into this mess. If you refuse to talk to him, it will all be fixed.”

            I sat there for a very long time. I tried to think, but my mind was filled with white noise. The tears dried and the white noise soon turned to worry upon realization.

            “You promised me to Elijah?” I asked, my eyebrows scrunching together.

            “No, I promised him something an-”

            “No, you promised him me. He said 'our girl,' he's come to collect. What does he want with me?” I asked.

            “Mel, just don't talk to him anymore! Do you understand me?” my mother screamed. I nodded, tears filling my eyes again.

            “Good, now you need sleep. I'm off to work. Stay home from school again, and give me your phone. You need a day by yourself,” my mother said, holding out her hand. I placed my phone in it, thinking I didn't know my mother at all... never in a million years would I have dreamt she would act this way.

            “Have a good day,” I absentmindedly said as she walked out of my room. I muttered an “I love you” but I'm not even sure if either of us registered that it came out of my mouth.


            The minutes ticked by, slowly and steadily turning into a couple hours. I wondered what would become of me? If I was promised to Elijah – this obviously higher being – then surely he wouldn't give up just because I refused to talk to him. Besides, how could I possibly do that? Elijah was part of me, he had been there my entire life. He didn't seem bad. Mysterious? Yes. Bad? No.

            Even after reading my mother's journal a second time, I still had so many questions. Questions I once thought she would answer, but now, apparently, she wouldn't. Was there any way to find the answers?

            I know the answers. Elijah's voice chimed in my ears. I jumped, then took a deep breath. I found his words soothing in a weird way. I have a whole side of the story you don't know of... your mother has many secrets that even her journal won't divulge. You must know her soul to know her secrets – lucky for you, I know her soul inside and out.

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