2. The ship sets sail for its fateful voyage

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Finally, with all the passengers aboard, the ship sailed away, setting in motion its disastrous fate.

Among the passengers was the prominent consulting detective Sherlock Holmes. His deduction and observation skills were widely known, perhaps not only within the country but also beyond Britain's borders.

Even amidst a lot of people on the ship, Sherlock noticed a figure he would recognize even in the darkest London alleys in the middle of the night. He knew that figure very well. It was his arch nemesis - William James Moriarty.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? If it isn't the famous professor Moriarty," Sherlock said grinning and locking eyes with the professor.

"Why so hostile, Sherlock? I'm equally delighted to see you, " William responded in a playful and teasing tone.

"Do me a favor, Moriarty, and refrain from crossing my path while we're aboard, " said the detective, annoyed by his nemesis.

"Sherlock, why such hostility? Don't be shy. We are old acquaintances. You always enjoy solving my riddles. My presence is essential in your life. Just admit it," William said and a grin appeared on his face as he moved closer to Sherlock, his tone was playfully taunting. He leaned in and whispered into Sherlock's ear.

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"Tell me what you truly think and desire. But for now, until later, detective, I have matters to attend to," with that, the young professor winked at Sherlock and proceeded ahead.

"That Moriarty. Always teasing me and playing his dirty games. He never knows his place." Sherlock mumbled to himself as he headed to his cabin.

And so came the fateful collision of the main characters in our story. None of the men could honestly confess their feelings, yet both of them were perfectly aware of the peculiar chemistry between them. It was as if they had become each other's purpose in life.

They were in everlasting competition with each other: Moriarty, the mastermind crafting new mysteries, and Holmes, the one unraveling them - puzzle after puzzle. Numerous times, Sherlock Holmes came close to catching William James Moriarty, yet the lord of crime would always find a way to escape and cover up his tracks.

Sometimes, it felt as if neither of them wanted to conclude this little game of theirs. They hesitated to admit it, but deep down in their hearts, they knew they needed each other to move forward in life. Like life and death - they were opposites, yet strangely similar.

Intertwined Destinies: Moriarty and Holmes Amidst the Events of 1912Where stories live. Discover now