Chapter 1: talking With Big Brother Jay

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Will was walking to his car when he saw Jay flash his headlights at him, and Will was annoyed that he did that because he wanted to head back and hang out with his family which was Natalie, Owen and Helen, He also couldn't forget Maggie and April who were like big sisters to him, Connor Rhodes and Ethan Choi who are his best friends and his brothers as well, Sarah Resse and Noah Sexton who were like his little sister and brother and Robin Charles who becoming a great friend to all of them and he angry with his big brother right now anyway and wondered what he wanted now but what he didn't was that Ray Burke was a gangster and that he was wanted By The FBI, that's what Jay was going to tell him that night after his shift ended.

He walked over to the car, confused by why Jay needed to talk to him about and  got into the car, for some reason, He was feeling agitated and He didn't know why he was feeling that way and Jay picked up On Will's agitation Right away and he was concerned about Will, so he got out of the car, opened the passenger door for little brother  and helped him into the car before he got in and let Will calm down first before trying to talk to him which took 1 long hour for him to do.

Will calmed down and looked at Jay wondering he wanted to talk to him about and he asked," What did you want to talk to me about big brother? Did I do something wrong? what's wrong, Jay-Jay? you are scaring me. are you hurt? talk to me Jay-Jay. He started crying which caused Jay to immediately wraps his around his arms around Will's waist and held him as he cried before he said," Will, I will tell you what I need to talk about I need to you about Tomorrow. goodnight, little brother. I love you and I hope you sleep well and tell me what's bothering you.

Will said," okay, goodnight big Brother Jay. I love you too. Please stay out there big brother. We'll have lunch together tomorrow if you want to have lunch with me. I hope you sleep well too.

Jay nodded and got out out of the car and opened Will's door and hugged him before getting back into the truck and Will walks into his car and gets food for Him, Natalie, Owen and Helen.

At Natalie's house

Will parked his car outside Natalie's house, got the bag of food from next to him, got out of the car and knocked on the door and Natalie opens it and sees that Will brought food and drinks for all of them and she smiled at Will and invites him inside and he comes inside and Owen, Natalie's son immediately comes to hug Will and is very excited  to see him here and they all ate together and then Will cleans up the Kitchen and dies the dishes, gets a shower, puts on night time clothes and then heads to bed with Natalie, Unaware of the fact that he was treating a gangster and was going to get in trouble with the FBI The very next day and Hank and his team.

 The Halstead Childhood home

Jay walked and saw his girlfriend Hailey Upton standing by the Couch and he walked over to her and cuddled her as soon as they sat down together and ate their dinner, clean up, got a shower, Put on PJ's and then head to bed, unaware of the consequences following Will and his family.

Jay doesn't tell Will what is going on.Where stories live. Discover now