chapter 2: Adam gets shot and Will and Alaina ask Jay and Kim a question

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Will woke up next to Natalie, and they both started getting ready for work before he realized  he had something to tell Natalie and got her attention, and she looked at him. Will said," Do you mind if I have lunch with my Big  Brother Jay today? We haven't been able to spend time together because of how busy we are and I wanted to ask him something important. hope that's okay with you, Natalie. I love you, Owen, and your mom in law, even though she drives me mad.

Natalie laughed and said," She drives me mad too, and you don't need my permission to hang out with your big brother. You can always hang out with him, Will. You mean a lot to each other.

Will said," Thank you, Natalie. You and Owen are the best things that ever happened to me.

Natalie said," How's your ADHD today, Will? It's not bothering you today, is it, babe? talk to me.

Will Truthfully answered," It's bothering me a little bit today, and it was bothering me a lot yesterday, but I didn't tell anyone because I was scared I would get in trouble with Ms. Goodwin.

Natalie signed and helped Will with his ADHD and they both headed to work and dropped Owen off at the Daycare center in the Hospital when they see A member of the CPD unit being wheeled in and Will went with Natalie to treat the patient and The patient was Adam Ruzek with GSW to his arm and a another GSW to  his Right thigh, which felt it was on fire and he screamed in pain.

Will grabbed the Gurney and said," Let's transfer him on my count. 1,2,3, Now, They transferred Adam onto the hospital bed and he screamed in pain and Natalie said," 10 of Morphine and let's  get him up to surgery Remove those bullets and hopefully he recovers soon. They wheeled into Adam into surgery and went to inform his team of how Adam is doing and ease their minds.

Will saw Kim Burgess, Kevin Atwater, Erin Lindsay, Hailey Upton, His older brother Jay Halstead, Antonio Dawson, and Adam's Fiancée, Alaina Atwater, waiting for any sort of news.

Will said," We just wheeled him into surgery, so as soon as we know something, we will tell you.

Everyone signed in Happiness that he would be okay and hoped he would pull through, and Alaina was pacing back and forth, her hands clasped together around her necklace. she loves him so much, and Will knew how much this hurt her, and he hugged her and comforted her. she smiled at Will and said," Thank you for comforting me, Bestie. I appreciate you being here, Will.

Will Halstead said," No problem, bestie, and I'm hoping he is okay as well. you and Adam deserve to be happy together. I'll let you know how he is doing when he gets out of surgery. be strong, ok?

Alaina said," Thanks Will, We should head back to work, Will or we will get in trouble, Bestie.

Both Alaina and Will headed back to work and continued treating patients  for the rest of the day until their shift is over and Alaina could take Adam home after her shift which made her happy and she was going to take care of him and Will was excited she was getting married to Adam in the same time he was getting married to the love of his life and he was excited to see Jay today.

2 hours later

Jay approached Will, who was filling out patient charts and tapped him on the shoulder and he asked," you ready to go het some lunch with me, Little bro? I have been excited to see you today.

Will said," I have been excited to see you as well and I'm done filling patient charts and let's go.

They head to the canteen to get lunch together and Will just gets a sandwich and Jay gets a salad and two Gatorades, the one blue is for him and the red one is for Will and he hands it to Will, who thanks him and takes a small sip and eats his sandwich and Jay ruffles Will's hair, which causes Will to laugh softly and he pokes Jay in the cheek, making Jay chuckle at him.

Will said," Jay, would you like to be my best man at my wedding with Natalie? if you want to.

Jay said," Will, I would love to be your best man at your wedding and I'm happy you and Natalie are finally getting married and you deserve to be happy little bro, My answer will always be yes. 

Will hugged Jay and Jay hugged Will back and they headed back to their jobs for the res of the day. Jay heads back to the 21st and Will keeps on Treating patients and Jay does his job now.

With Alaina Atwater and Kim Burgess

Alaina said," Hey Kim, Can I please ask you something? Would you like to be my maid of honor at my wedding to Adam? if you want to say no, I totally respect your decision, Kim. don't rush it, ok.

Kim said," Yes I would love to be your maid of Honor at you wedding and I'm excited about it too.

Alaina said," Thank you so much for being my maid of Honor at the wedding, Kim. it means a lot.

Kim said," you're welcome, Bestie. Now let's talk wedding planning together. Let's talk food first.

Alaina said," Okay let's do it. I was wondering, could we keep the food simple? like cupcakes and that it's something Everyone will like? so what you are thinking, Kimmy? cookies and cakes?

Kim listed all of the foods that people would like, including BBQ and Mexican food. same with drinks too. Natalie was part of the discission since it was a double wedding being held this fall.

Natalie said," what kind of flowers do we want? and what colors do we want at the wedding?

Alaina said," For me and Adam's wedding, I was wondering, can we do Orange roses and green Roses as our flowers? we are thinking doing of a fall themed wedding. if you are okay with that. 

Natalie said," That's a great idea. I was thinking of adding some Hyacinth flowers  that are Yellow and white as our flowers? what do you think of the Idea, Alaina? does that work for you? 

Alaina said," Yes that works for me, Natalie. who's going to be your maid of Honor? Mine is Kim.

Natalie said," I am asking Hailey to be my maid of honor because Will asked Jay to be the best man at the wedding and he was excited about it when he said yes, so he's happy right now.

Kim said," That's great to hear, Natalie. I'm very excited for the double wedding coming up.

Alaina said," Thanks Kim. It means a lot to us that you are part of the wedding. you're the best.

Natalie said," Hailey, I was wondering if you would like to be my maid of honor. 

Hailey said," I appreciate you asking me and the answer is yes, I would love to be your maid of honor. I'm looking forward to the wedding coming up. let's head back to work now, Kim.

Natalie Manning, Alaina Atwater, Kim Burgess and Hailey Upton all head back to work.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 With Natalie Manning and Will Halstead

The end of the day comes and Alaina takes Adam home, Kim heads home with her boyfriend, Kevin Atwater, who plans to propose to her later that night when they get home from work.

Jay and Hailey head home and Both Will and Natalie head home that night to fix dinner and spend time with Owen and gave him a bath and tucked into bed and read him a story.

Natalie and Will then headed to bed themselves and slept peacefully in each other's arms.

with Alaina Atwater and Adam Ruzek

Alaina helped Adam into the house and helped him into the bed. Adam said," I'm sorry for scaring you but I'm happy you were there, comforting me at least. You're an amazing Fiancé.

Alaina said," You're amazing Fiancée as well, Adam and I love you so much. Let's go to sleep.

Adam said," Okay, I love you, too, babe. goodnight, babe.  They both were asleep in 10 minutes. 

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