Page 19: Calm before the storm

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In the cathedral a section was created for Imperius to spend his days either training or thinking. In the main room Jaune was not meditating but thinking on what Imperius said. If time flies differently here then he needs to summon the brothers and quick before another invasion happens. He stood there looking at the stars wondering that he will stand trail for his transgressions. He thought we broken when the doors open to reveal Pyrrha walking towards him.

Pyrrha: Jaune are you ok?

Jaune: No.

Pyrrha: You didn't expect your brother to show didn't you?

Jaune: No I haven't.

Pyrrha: What will you do now?

Jaune: ... after the Vytal festival is over I will do on what I should have done the moment I've arrived. Find the culprit once and for all and force them to send me back home.

Pyrrha: You mean the brothers?

Jaune: Yes. Your headmaster told me of a way to summon them.

Pyrrha: I see.

Jaune: You're taking this surprisingly well for a mortal.

Pyrrha: Well with what has happen I don't know what to believe anymore. Meeting a real life angel, knowing that demons exist and magic is a thing is something out of a fairytale.

Jaune: Heh your life must be interesting with me around is it not?

Pyrrha: *chuckles* I guess so. Hey Jaune?

Jaune: Yes Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: *blush* Do angels ever find love?

This caught his attention and he looked at Pyrrha who was looking away. Jaune was surprised by this answer. Love was something he never experienced in his life. He does looked down in Sanctuary and see some love happen but never experienced it before. Now with a mortal next to him he slowly had feelings for was new to him.

Jaune: It is possible. That's how the nephalem were born.

Pyrrha: W-well um... do you have anyone you're interested in back in the high heavens?

Jaune: No. I did not find love in the heavens nor on sanctuary.

Pyrrha: Well how about Remnant? Found anyone you might be interested to?

Jaune could see Pyrrha blushing as clear as day. She can tell that she is falling for him. He approached her and put his hand gently on her chin.

Jaune: My dear Pyrrha, are you trying to suggest something?

Pyrrha: *blush* W-well I-it's j-just, oh how did we get in this situation? It's just well... um well...

Leaning closer to her face she tried to utter anything but nothing came out but random slurs. Jaune then peck a small light onto her forehead signaling it was a kiss from an angel. Deep down Pyrrha knew what it was and was starting to lose consciousness. She soon fainted in his arms as he chuckled and lifted her up and walked towards the front door.

Beacon courtyard

In the courtyard Imperius watch the mortals from the sky as they enjoy the vytal festival with friends and family, though he didn't care much all he cared was returning to the high heavens as soon as possible but Jaune was right he doesn't know much about Remnant or it's people. The last part he didn't care but this world is different from Sanctuary. Then he sees in a small corner a Faunus girl being bullies by three boys who were mocking her and throwing food at her.

Bully1: Get lost you freak!

Bully2: Yeah no one wants you kind here.

Bully3: What's wrong are you going to cry?

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