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In a dark room with little to no interior- a bed stood in the middle of the room, a desk and a chair in one corner of the room and a closet where clothes were kept, dark curtains covered the windows which made it difficult for light to enter the room, there stood a man with extremely good features- a sharp jawline, long dark hair that reached his shoulders but one could tell he had a cold and dangerous expression on his face because of the way he spoke. "Almost done?"

"Yes, everything is going according as planned. You have to move soon" Another man who looked a bit older than him answered.

"A spy, huh" He replied in a cold voice.

"The name will be Liam. You don't have a last name" The man who looked a bit older replied. "His lieutenant will be the bait, he has a soft heart but it might backfire. Make sure he doesn't kill you"

His lips curved into a dangerous smirk as he said. "Raven, i'll destroy everything you own"


Isabella's POV

I sat on my bed with my phone in my hand shopping for pepper sprays. I keep getting attracted to dangerous guys and seems they all want to rape me, sigh. A notification popped in and i looked at the top screen of my phone to see a hey text from Katherine. I haven't seen her in about five days now and God i'm going crazy.

My lips curled into a wide smile as i replied.

Isabella: Heyyy

Katherine: I miss you.

I smiled for two reasons- she replied so fast and obviously, i got an i miss you text.

Isabella: Won't you like to say that to my face?

Isabella: Should i come to your place? Send me your address.

The smile on my face vanished, it's been five minutes now and she hasn't replied. Does she not want me to come to her crib? I thought as i wanted to type a never mind but she beat me to it.

Katherine: Sure, i'll text you the address later.

Isabella: Okay.

I was smiling like an idiot after she said she was gonna send me her address as i got back to shopping for a pepper spray and finally ordered one.


I got to Katherine's house- the address she gave me, i assume. The neighborhood was quiet and there were not much people around which gave me a weird vibe but i neglected the feeling and knocked on her door excitedly. She opened the door immediately as if she knew exactly the time i would come.

I smiled. "Hiii"

"Hey" She said with a little smile as she signaled me to come inside.

I entered her house and looked around. It was cold, dark and neat- there wasn't much stuff. Everything was mostly black or grey.... i was busy looking around her house not realizing she stood behind me.

"Does my house interest you that much?" She whispered in my ear.

I jumped startled, i turned around to see her standing close to me with that smirk on her face. "Um.... you live here?"

"Why would i lie about where i live?" She chuckled darkly.

"No, it's just... ah never mind" I said trying not to offend her. "So i got you a pepper spray" I smiled as i put my hand in my bag to bring out the pepper spray i ordered.

She laughed a little. I stared at her for a while God this is the first time she- her laugh is so pleasant to my ears. It's that type of laugh you'd want to laugh along with.

She looked at the pepper spray and chuckled as she said. "I'll make good use of it"

I have no idea why she laughed but i smiled anyways. "Please do, there are a lot of bad guys out there. Pepper sprays are great options"

"Mhm" She hummed. "But i'm here to protect you from the bad guys though, i would kill anyone who dares touch you"

My eyes widened. Kill!??? She must be joking.

"I'm serious" I heard her say in a cold voice as she stepped closer to me.

Her hands tracing my cheeks while her eyes were on my lips. "You know, i meant everything i said to you in that alley" she whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of longing and vulnerability.


*screams loudly*

And finally my favorite character is here!! I've been wanting to introduce him.

Anyways guys, this chapter- well, it's pretty short huh? sorryyyyy, i want to be fast about it.


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