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although the concierge was hesitant to begin with, in the face of Pete's insistence, he eventually gave in he had managed to get into the hotel secretly he hid aside of relief.
Are you sure you want to be a waiter ? The hotel manager looked at him from head to toe, his tone was filled with suspicion. The reason why he asked this was because Pete looked too elegant, so it was a pity for him to become a simple waiter . Seeing is doubt he immediately put on a sincere expression, and said reassuringly,
yes, I do. afraid that he would not believe him. he told him about his work experience abroad, I was a waiter in a hotel while I was overseas you can rest, assured that I will not disappoint you. after he had been sent abroad. he had worked very hard in that first year in order to survive, especially during the winter when he was still pregnant. he would never forget the pain. The manager was impressed. He thought he was just a young boy. He hadn't thought he's been through so much he couldn't help but feel a whole new level of respect for him, and he was also very satisfied with his experience without saying anything else he offered him the job.
all right you can come to work tomorrow Pete almost cheered, but instead, he coughed lightly to cover his excitement and thanked him over and over again work hard there's a lot of room for promotion here, and taped at his shoulder.
thank you. he looked around and asked tentatively can I look around the hotel today? I want to familiarize myself with the place first so I can get to work faster when I come back tomorrow he explained with a Smile when the manager heard his reasoning, he liked him even more. It was very rare for an employee to be so enthusiastic about their work. all right I'll find someone to show you around. immediately he called for a girl around Pete's age Susan this is our new waiter , show him around and help him get familiar with the hotel. Understood, sir Susan smiled sweetly, at Pete quickly returned Smile Pete started thinking about ways to save his child. Pete! the manager said. Pete was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was talking to him. Yes, sir people staying on the top floor of this hotel, are rich and powerful you can't afford to offend them, so you must be careful. Yes, sir Pete and Susan answered in unison, and they looked at each other and smiled after giving his instructions the manager to Susan to set work clothes for Pete when he started work properly tomorrow he would order another set for him when he's finished changing into his work clothes Susan showed Pete around the hotel. floor by floor he was a very passionate and cheerful boy on every floor they went to. She explained about it in great detail. She was very eager to tell Pete everything she knew the top floor of the hotel is the presidential suite and the rest are business suite the hotel is also equipped with swimming pools, bars, and other entertainment facilities while Susan talked enthusiastically, Pete seemed distracted, his head filled with thoughts of how to find the hotels surveillance room. That way he could find out where Venice was. seeing that he was a little preoccupied. Susan asked with concern Pete, are you all right? Pete was startled for a moment he shook his head with a smile it's nothing let's go upstairs and take a look. Pete couldn't waste anymore time he asked casually where is the surveillance room Susan stop turned around and looked at him with a puzzled expression. Why do you want to know Pete left and Ridley in shrugs I'm just asking after all is the heart of the hotel if there's an emergency or something it would be useful to know where it is.
I see Susan nodded, her head, not doubting him at all. She told him right away which floor the surveillance room was on and also how to get there. Pete wrote it down and smiled brightly. thank you you're very kind explaining everything to me so clearly. it's nothing. It's only right for us to take care of each other seeing how sincerely Susan was smiling Pete couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her. he apologized to her, now he knew where the surveillance room was. he didn't want to continue with the tour of the hotel so he found an excuse and went to the bathroom.
by the time Vegas is finished eating with his parents it was already dark outside. Originally he had wanted to accompany them home, but he had an emergency video conference to attend so he told them to leave without him and decided to stay at the hotel the hotel kept a room for him all year round. After the video conference ended Vegas he belongs. Sigh relief he raised his hand in took his tie and threw it aside, and he got up and walked into the bathroom. Pete sneaked up to the floor with a surveillance room was than followed Susan's instructions to find it he had not expected the hotel to be so big there were several Corredor's, and it did not take long for him to get lost, he couldn't tell which direction he was going in let alone how to find the surveillance room helpless he could only search slowly and hope that he would find it after searching for a long time he walked past an elevator, as he passed the door opened with a ding sound. he quickly turned around and pretended to be looking for some thing out of the corner of his eye. he noticed someone coming out of the elevator when he saw who it was his eyes widened. How could he have run into Ging and Perth. please don't let them see me he thought to himself and lowered his head even further thankfully, he was wearing the clothes of a hotel attendant, so Ging walked past him without even looking. after they Gone Pete looked at the elevator his thin eyebrows creased up on the highest floor was the presidential suite. If they had come down that means Venice was up there his spirits lifted at this possibility. he dashed to a nearby staircase and began to climb, it took almost no effort to reach the top floor, and he's soon found a suspicious looking room. They were two tall, black clothes, men standing at the door bodyguards Venice had to be in that room

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