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Pete didn't notice that Venice had called Vegas daddy. Instead,he held him in his arms and looked at him worriedly. How have you been? Are you hurt? Venice shook his head I'm not hurt, grandma has been looking out for me don't worry Papa, After confirming that he wasn't hurt, Pete was filled with relief. Then he realized what he had said, grandma? he was puzzled only then did he see a woman wearing an expensive looking dress sitting in a nearby summer house?she was sipping tea and watching them she bore a resemblance to Vegas so she was probably his mother Pete was surprise why have Venice been brought here? he-was confused, but he still had to be polite putting Venice up ,he walks toward the lady. are you Vegas's mother? I hope it hasn't been too much trouble to take care of Venice she looked at Pete her expressions softened little as she nodded at Pete and said no I find him cute. It's not a problem Pete smiled gracefully, thank you for taking care of him. Michelle nodded. She felt this boy was gentle and generous. No wonder he had raised a child as good as Venice . it's nothing, I like him a lot. I heard there's something happened to you. It's good that you came back. Pete knew there was no point saying anymore. The Theerapanyakul family did not require his gratitude so after another word of things,he-picked Venice up and prepared to leave. Thank you again I'll take him now, Venice went looked at his Pa and then looked at his grandma. He thought that something was wrong, but he didn't say anything. Michelle looked at the boy and suddenly felt reluctant. Are you really in such a hurry to leave? Do you have a place to stay. She-was the head of a very rich family and she knew everything she knew a bit about what had happened to Pete , Pete nodded and said with sadness I came here because I had some things to deal with now that I found Venice I plan to go back to England tomorrow with that he looked and the distance sky and lost in thought muttered. I won't come back again hearing his words Vegas was stunned his gaze swept across Pete's beautiful face, these people had storm in and messed up his life, and now he intended to leave. This kind of thing had never happened before. even Michelle glance to Venice with a slightly melancholic gaze. Then she looked at Vegas repproachly if her son had gotten married earlier,he would have a grandson this age ,she-would need to sit here and grieve for what she has lost after spending the past two days with this little boy she's been utterly charmed by him the end he was not her grandson so she could only sigh reluctantly just as Pete was about to say goodbye to Vegas's Venice hugged his leg and asked Pa why are we going to England? Shouldn't you be with Daddy? Why are we going away Pa please don't leave daddy, he continued to cling onto Vegas's leg. He looked extremely pitiful. Pete Smile awkwardly and quickly pulled him away Venice his not your dad so don't call him that again all right tears of grief filled Venice's eyes. This is obviously Daddy why don't you recognize him seeing him like this? Pete 's heart felt sour.he could only coax him patiently Venice , you have to listen to me or I'll get angry Venice let out a helpless sigh with the weariness of an old man. He returned it to Pete feeling wrong. This scene almost broke Michelle's heart, especially Venice 's tearful face, which looked just like Vegas when he was young, her heart became even more conflicted, but he wasn't her grandson.he-did not urged them to stay but let them leave Vegas on the other hand. Didn't even look at Pete and Venice . He didn't understand what was going on. He was confused by his own feelings, but he finally felt like he had gotten rid of his troubles, after leaving the mansion, Pete took Venice straight to his grandmother house. There was no longer anyone or anything in this city that he would miss. The only person he cared about was his grandfather who is getting older and older when they arrived at the house. It was nearly evening when the old woman, saw Venice she thought that Pete's father could've caused trouble for them. This was the reason why Pete hadn't returned home for two days, but she was so old she could not do anything, she hugged Venice . Happily, she didn't ask where he had been though Venice had never met his great grandma before this trip. The blood relationship between them had helped them to grow close very quickly. The old woman couldn't help but smile Pete felt hurt when he saw this in order to control him, his father threatened his grandmothers life. It wasn't safe to leave his grandmother here he wanted to take his grandmother away with them. he would be able to support all three of them in the UK Over dinner he said grandma I came back because I wanted to take you to England. I can take care of you no need to trouble yourselves and I don't think I'll be able to adjust in a foreign country at this old age he did expected her to refuse as a she fused earlier as well, but Pete thought of giving it a try again but as he was about to try and persuade her. His grandmother said I have plans for returns the countryside in a few days. I have relatives there who will look after me. I am old and I can't take the city anymore. I just want to go back to my roots Pete sigh it was as if a pair of large hands had grabbed her by the throat stifling her. In the end,he-did not say anything.he understood his grandmothers temperament, and he knew that no matter how much he tried It would be useless still,he could not help bur feel guilty, and his voice was choked with emotion when he spoke, but Grandma I'm really worried about you. Grandma's wrinkled face smile. She shook her head and said Pete compared to your happiness. Mine is nothing. You still have a lot of life ahead of you, so live it well OK field woman suddenly seem to remember some thing, she-said sadly don't let your father ruin your life my child.

after a while grandma felt a bit tired so she slowly stood up her bony figure looking for Lauren As he turned around and returned to his room. he murdered himself let's go the further we go the better we must never come back here. Pete covered his face and subbed silently he knew there were some things he couldn't do anything about it. If His grandmother didn't leave with him this time,he would never see her again after he returned to England Venice's eyes widened in confusion. He wanted to comfort his Pa, but he didn't know what to say. When he was in England, he would often see his Pa crying like this late at night he was still young, so he didn't know why, but he Vow to grow up quickly and protect him so that he wouldn't cry anymore the next morning, Pete arranged for his grandmother to return to her hometown, and then he packed up his luggage and prepared to return to England with Venice after what happened with his family,he no longer had any lingering feelings for this country. Returning to England was something that he urgently needed to do, when he was standing in line at the airport to buy a ticket he found out that her name had been blacklisted. It was impossible for her to get on the plane.he-didn't understand. he thought there must be a problem with the airline so he went to multiple windows and tried several different companies before excepting the true, he had been blacklisted and couldn't leave the country. he suddenly thought back to his father's face when he had run away from him that moment,he-realized that someone must've done this on purpose never in his wildest dreams Would he thought that his father who had raised him could be so ruthless toward him, as he sat in the departure lounge, feeling angry, a shadow, suddenly shrouded his entire body,he-raised his head and saw his stepsister standing in front of him looking down, from where he sat he could see the satisfaction in her eyes you did this? didn't you? Ging you're crazy. Pete it already guessed that this had something to do with his stepsister and seeing her standing in front of him he wanted to reap her apart. Ging was like this she would always appear when Pete was at his weakest and then deal her a Fido below it. It happened five years ago and it was happening again, if they weren't in an airport filled the security guards he would have hit her. Ging sneered, when he saw Pete holding Venice surprise flashed in her eyes,hesaid arrogantly. Give up as long as you refuse To compromise you won't be able to leave next aunt is airline executive we can make sure won't be able to buy plane ticket. oh yeah not only that dad has found away to revoke you residence in England so you can't go back there. Pete was so angry that his whole body was Trembling. He looked a Ging who was laughing, at that moment he felt that his sister was extremely ugly. You really are going all out to force my hand you totally shameless if Perth sees you like this do you think he will still love you. Pete sneered, Ging's eyes glinted, but here fused to back off. You don't have to worry about Perth you should just concentrate on your situation. I think Mr. Wilson is a good person, his more than enough for you. After all you no longer the boy you were back then. Have you forgotten that you have a fatherless child. These words stabbed Pete's weakest spot. Ging could say whateverhewanted but Venice is innocent. he can no longer control his emotions and chase Ging away. Don't be reckless thing about carefully. I'll wait for you to change your mind. Pa don't be angry let's ignore that bad person. Seeing him being well behaved and sensible Pete's mood eased now that this had happened he can only resign himself to the fact that he was unable to live the country. And will be forced to settle here even so his family is trying to force him marry that disgusting old man was too much, but he wouldn't obey unless he was dead until then he will fight over the last two days Pete found a house to rent in the city after all he still has Venice to raise, so he couldn't sit still and wait for death on the first day they moved into they new home, Venice looked around and asked. Pa other bad people bully us so we can't go home, why won't you go find Daddy? Pete laughed in his heart. Venice always mistook Vegas as his father, he never had anything to do with Vegas before and he will never have anything to do with him again, he pretend to be angry and said, Venice don't ever mention him again, Okay? His not your father. In a split second Venice's expression became very dejected, he lower his head and did not say anything.
When Pete saw this he realized how desperate he wanted a dad. Venice why you want a Dad so bad am I not enough? Venice looked at his Pa with a frown face, But Pa other kids have two parents i too want that. Im sorry Babe, but your Daddy is no where to be found, don't be sad okay, Pete hugged him, I promise you are not a Fatherless. I will help you found your real Daddy okay? After hearing this Venice relaxed slightly. He had a lot questions about Vegas but when he thought about what his Pa said he didn't say anything. eventually he felt a sleep in his arms, Pete hugged him and putted his back.

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