boozy bar bathroom break

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Ashton & his boys had been out on the town, hopping from bar to bar to club, all weekend. By the time Barry at the local tavern called last round on sunday night, Ashton wasn't sure of anything at all but the fact he was gunna puke. And soon.

"Yo Ash, you good bro? Ya don't look so hot mate!" A stern husky voice accompanying someone abruptly smacking his back broke through his racing thoughts and bought him spiralling back to his senses, his stomach responding accordingly. It was his best friend Jason, who had slapped a hand on Ashton's back & made his stomach do a double-take. "Woah.." he trailed off, attempting to slur out something inaudible as he grabbed the bar & pushed himself up onto his feet, shoving Jason's hand away in the process.

"Yooo, TAXIII!" Jason stood laughing as Ashton stumbled towards the mens room, one hand over his mouth and the other holding his lurching gut.
Jason's yelling got the attention of Ashton's older brother Kenny, who noticed his younger brother fumbling with the door to the mens room, face pale as the ale he'd clearly ordered far too much of, hands shaking and feet about to betray him. "For fucks sake Jace, it ain't funny! -- Push the damn door open Bro, I'm coming right behind you buddy!"
Kenny makes a dash from the booth he was perched at & follows his heaving brother into the mens room, and not a second too soon as Ashton's gut finally convulsed with such force he lost his grasp over his mouth and sprayed puke between his fingers, all over the floor and urinals. "Fuck dude! Okay yeah just pick a Urinal to redecorate, no worries!" Kenny rushed to his brothers side to steady him over the urinal, the smell of regurgitated cheap pale ale & bourbon made his own stomach start turning as Ashton was violently sick, spraying chunks of undigested steak & fries at the wall & floor once more. "Oh fu- *hiccup/gag* CK DUU-UUDE! that one hurt like hel-" he was interrupted by another huge wave of chunky, soup-like spew that splashed over the edges of the urinal, some of which nailed his brothers shoes.

"Oh fucking hell dude, you got it on me - ugh, - " Kenny's stomach did a series of violent flips as the sight, smell and sensation of wearing someone else's vomit overtook him. "Dammit, m'gunna barf!" He turned away from his now drunkenly giggling maniac of a brother and pitched forward towards an open toilet stall, gagging hard as he rushed to let his knees hit the tiles and begins to fummble with the toilet seat. Another violent retch from Ashton rips through the otherwise silent bathroom & Kenny's stomach follows suit, a thick gushing torrent of puke catching him almost by surprise with its fire hydrant force. His stomach ached and twinged as he dry heaved, knowing he wasn't done but his stomach was spasming in an attempt to purge itself of the crappy booze and damn near toxic bar food he'd spent the past 3 days filling up on. He groaned and rocked forward, spitting stringy saliva into the splattered bowl. "Yo Kenny, you good?" Ashton was now standing behind him, swaying slightly. "Fuck off asswipe!" Kenny kicks the bathroom stall door with his foot and pushes it closed in his brothers face before he braces himself against the toilet bowl with one hand, the other finds itself with two fingers pointing toward his open mouth, saliva already pooling inside. With another shaky breath he plunges those two fingers deep into his throat, wriggling them around for a couple seconds before the spasming in his guts finally subsides and gives way to a productive heave, a small trickle of sick running down his hand onto his forearm. He kept his fingers pressed firmly against his uvula as he heard Ashton leave the bathroom. Figures he finishes up and fucks off after I came in to help hi-- his thoughts are interrupted again by his stomach releasing a MOTHERLOAD of vomit, he whips his fingers out of his mouth as he feels the slimy sick hit his fingertips before it ejects from his mouth at lighting speed all over his shirt & into his lap as his head drunkenly flops downwards for the worst possible second. "AHHH FUCK ME! now I'm covered in puke! And some of it ain't e'en mine!" Kenny suddenly felt more fucked up than he thought he was before he'd started puking & decided to see if his phone survived the Roman shower that had soaked the pocket of his jeans & call their mate Bradley to come check on him... And get him something to wear home, immediately. He gingerly got his phone out of his vomit soaked pocket whilst suppressing a retch, and to his surprise it still worked. He realised speaking was gunna set him off gagging again so he opted for a text instead.

"Bras come meer msick mess, help" well fuck it, he'll figure it out. Kenny hit send and dropped his phone beside the toilet as he felt a dizzying wave of nausea overtake him. He heaved and hugged the toilet again, bringing up a weak stream of bile & tequila. The burning acidic taste made his stomach quiver & contract as it forcefully expelled more bile with a loud deep gutteral belching retch. The bathroom door swung open and Brad appeared behind Kenny as he fought to stay upright & conscious. "Jeezuz H; what the fuck happened in here? Woah dude! I got'chu!" He'd just noticed Kenny's vomit covered body swaying weakly over the toilet as he began to slump into his own sick, passing out for a second before coming round as Brad wrapped strong arms around his waist to steady him, probably putting his hands in vomit in the process ...

Not sure how to end this one but uhmm, I think it's good enough to end it here considering I just came. 👌😜😍 I hope you did too sexy thangs... Who puked along for me? Lmk in the comments - details or videos pleaaase sexy pukers X ♥️ PS, extra points if you guess my gender ;)

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