BIG man, BIG mess! 🤰🏽🍕☕🤮🤰🏽

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David gathered all his strength & rolled over in bed, his oversized stomach jiggling uncomfortably, adding to the hot, sickly feeling that had woken him. He groaned, feeling the hot acidic liquid rising from his guts as they started churning angrily, his mouth pooling with saliva that tasted odd & seemed to make his throat feel tight for a moment. He tried to swallow it but the sensation of the thick hot saliva hitting the back of his throat was enough to send him over the edge; his round plump obese belly gave a jolting heave as he threw up in his mouth. The taste of spew had his stomach needing to evacuate EVERYTHING right NOW!! His size, however, meant that getting up in his current predicament was nearly impossible. Yet he made an attempt at rolling his fat ass out of bed anyway, landing on the floor with a thud as he felt another rush of nausea & a huge thick lump of sick rises in his throat, threatening to overfill & overflow his already bulging cheeks, the taste combined with the feeling of another wave coming up, combined with being stuck on the floor had David panicking, he tried desperately to swallow back all of the vomit that was threatening to errupt from his mountainous body & succeeded in doing so momentarily, getting himself up in a crawling position, his stomach dragging on the floor. He feels his mouth fill with sickly saliva again as he tries to move faster towards his bathroom accross the hall... "Ufhhh, fuck, I'm not gunna make it!" David realized aloud to himself as he fought the spasming in his bulbus belly, knowing he was about to errupt, and it would be bad. He'd stuffed himself stupid on pizzas (multiple, family sized) and Kombucha tea (waay too much Kombucha tea) before realizing the bacon on that pizza wasn't as fresh as it shoulda been. Now he could feel his intestines protesting the spoiler meat at both ends. The thought of what might be unfolding was too much for David's weak stomach & he reached so violently he didn't even have time to close his mouth or think about where he was... He projectile vomited all over the carpet in the hall, his stomach lifting off the ground as his muscles contract with each gag & heave. Multiple waves of sickness flow from David's mouth right here on the carpet, foul meet and pizza mixed with fermenting Kombucha tea made an awefully big and putrid mess, the smell alone madedavid heave so hard he farted, threatening to explode from both ends simultaneously. Exasperated, David got to his feet and tried to make it the rest of the way to his bathroom, his fat wobbling as he "ran", gagging & farting continuosly, tears welling in his eyes as he lost the battle with his insides, 2 feet from the loo... He leans on the doorframe as he feels his stomach cramp intensely, his bowels evacuating like lava flowing into his boxers and down his legs. The feeling, combined with the aweful stench had him leaning over, hands on his knees, gurgling as he gagged again sending a torrent of thick chunky pizza puke pooling half way accross the floor of his tiny bathroom with an initial SPLASH that makes him shiver, the next rush already heading for both exits. He'd given up trying to get to the loo now and was just glad the bathroom floor wasnt carpeted. He spat loudly as he tried to rid his mouth of the foul Kombucha bile taste, unsuccessfully. His body took the spitting as a sign that he needed to throw up again, making him spasm all over as his huge stomach convulsed to bring up the last heavy round of sick, it gurgled up his throat and came out in clumps as he coughed and gagged before the thick slop finally gave way to the remainder of the Kombucha - bile liquid, which sprayed out his nose as he barfed it up. 'uuughhhh fuck it burnsss... Oh god, please just let my fatass die here rn" he sat in a pile of his own filth, dry heaving and crapping his pants for another hour before finally being able to drag himself to the shower. Hot water made him Puke a couple more times in the shower too, his stomach releasing its final load.

Annnnnd again, I came so it Must be decently hot enough, right? Twice in one night... Mmmm, should I do part 3? ;)

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