The letter - part one

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I woke up to my alarm buzzing at six fucking thirty in the morning. I had been awake for about five minutes yet i was already dreading school, specifically maths. I used to be good at it but ever since 8th grade that shit became hard.

I threw on a pair of baggy joggers and a oversized hoodie. I went to the bathroom and washes my face. I decided to put on a little mascara and some earrings to look somewhat presentable. My bet i'd be going home before lunch break.

It was a cold morning with a slight fog to it. I do like fall though so the day isnt all ruined.. yet. I put on my coat, say bye to my dad and opened the door to see on singular letter laying peacefully on my doorstep. It had my name on it. I decide to open it as I had nothing better to do.

Dear Natalie Wilson

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress

I stared at the letter for about 10 seconds before I began laughing.

"Your taking the piss." I said chuckling. I threw it in my trash container before starting my walk towards the school.

I arrived at school at 8.05 and right there and then knew I was officially done for. Because when I entered I was met face to face with my history teacher, Mrs. Williams. She hates me and im not embarrassed to say I can return that favor. "Natalie Wilson... YOUR LATE!" she screamed right in my face. She apperently liked to piss me off. I rolled my eyes, nodded and walked into my first class.

"Alright students, today we are starting our first history period of the year. Today we are learning about The Roman Empire. Turn to page 67 in the book." The teacher said meanwhile handing out the books. I received mine, took one look at it and began focusing on the far more interesting bustling wind outside the window. I just pray this day goes by quickly.


It's now lunch break and unfortunately i have yet to successfully have convinced a teacher i was feeling ill, so now im sitting outside the school watching the little kids play. I heard rustling besides me. I turn and stare directly at the bush. I wait a few seconds trying to listen for another sound, when suddenly an owl comes flying straight towards me. I panic and quickly move out the way. When I look back I see it had disappeared yet dropped the same letter I saw on my doorstep earlier.

I glared at it for a bit before hesitantly picking it up. Right as I was about to open it the bell rang. I dropped it and ran inside.


The day was finally finished and I was more than ready to go home. But unfortunately I choose to walk today and it had started pouring rain like 10 minutes beforehand so I was bound to get wet.

I sighed and took out my ipod and began walking.

I was about halfway and absolutely drenched. Yet of course as if it couldn't get worse, some dickhead decides to speed his car through a puddle splashing water all over me. I let out an irritated scream and continued to angrily stomp  my way home.


After I got home and took a long warm shower, I decided to read a book. But before I could start something was banging on my window. It was some kind of owl again. Yet this one looked different. This one was brown with black eyes, whereas the one from earlier was white with blue eyes. I hesitated to open my window but I did it anyway. And once again there it is, there same letter i'd already found twice this very same day.

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