Hogwarts express - part 3

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I woke up to someone hammering on my door. I groaned and turned in my bed. I cursed out however it was for waking me in the middle of my beauty sleep. It was 6.30 and I rolled my eyes irritated.

When the knocking became more aggressive and louder, I rolled out of my bed. I stomped over to the door and threw it open. To my surprise it was Ron standing there. I glared him down making him slightly gulp.

"Hermione told me to tell you should tell you, that the train leaves a 8.45. She said you would probably like to know some time in advance." He looked at me for a second before continuing.

"We'll be downstairs eating breakfast, feel free to join us if you'd like." He said turning on his heel running along before I could reply. I think he's frightened of me, and honestly that just humors me.

I put on some straight jeans and a plain grey jumper. I then gathered all my stuff in a suitcase, along with the new goods I got yesterday in Diagon alley. I was really excited, it's not like there's anything holding me back anyways. I didn't have any friends at my old school. And my dad was the only family left, though he was never really there to take care of me. 

I walked down the stairs to see a like dozen redheads, in fact a whole family, whom I assumed was Ron's. There was a little girl, she looked to be a year younger or two. There also was a pair of twins, and a older woman. She was very smiley and instantly greeted herself when she saw me.

"Oh hello dear! I assume your the new girl Ron had been talking about. I'm Molly." She said cheerily. I greeted her back and laughed when I saw Ron's face almost as red as his hair.

Then I saw who assumed to be Ron's dad, talking to Harry. He looked to be worried about something. I however, struck into a easily flowing conversation with Hermione and the twins. They turned out to be called Fred and George. They were actually quite funny and I already think we will be great friends.


I walked onto Kings Cross station. It was a short walk from the Cauldron yet I was already tired. The platform we were supposed to be at was called 'platform 9¾' and I just followed along the Weasley's as they have presumabley been here before. We stopped right infront of  platform 9 and that's when I realised there is no such thing as a platform 9¾. I looked to Harry confused, and he seemed to instantly know what I was thinking.

"Don't worry, I was feeling a little confused too ,when I had to go through it the first time." He said smiling shyly. I looked to him even more confused.

"Go through what exactly?" I quizzed. Yet in the very same moment the twins decide to run directly at the brick wall. I was absolutely horrified and completely shocked to see them go right through the wall, instead of crashing. I looked to Hermione in shock and she just grinned.

"Come on! It's actually quite fun, and you will get used to it." She took my hand and pointed towards the wall. She asked if I was ready and when I signalled yes, she started a countdown from 3 to 1. When she hit 1, we both ran towards the wall. I could feel the fear in my whole body, and it felt terrifying to run directly towards a wall expecting to just go through. Yet just as we hit it and my eyes widened. Everything went black for a second, and I heard a sort of whoosh- sound before we teleported out of the wall again. It felt like eternity though it only took 10 seconds.

My jaw fell open, because when I regained my vision, we were standing in the middle of a foreign train station. This time it said platform 9¾. Not soon after, Ron, Harry, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny, appeared behind us.

I looked to my left and saw a big, long, red train, standing still.  It then released smoke, and honked, indicating it was about time to take off. 

Hermione rushed me onto the train along with the others. We looked out the window to all the parents of students, including Mrs. Weasley.

The the train started moving as we walked along the hall looking for a compartment. After a few minutes we  found one, with a person sleeping in it We got in and got cozy.

"Who is that?" Ron asked dumbfounded. As if you couldn't see the suitcase resting on the shelf over the man's head. It had the initials 'R.J. Lupin' on it. Hermione being as smart as she is, already knew the answer.

"R.J Lupin.. Oh Merlin! That's our new teacher." She sounded excited. We all looked towards him to see if he had woken up. He hadn't so we just continued talking.


After about an hour, a short woman with a cart approached our compartment. Ron almost jumped towards her. She sold candies, cakes and other goodies I had never seen before. I eyed the things on the cart before settling my eyes on a carrot cake that looked very edible.

"One slice of carrot cake please." I asked with a smile. The woman returned it and while she was retrieving it, the same boy who was arguing with Ron, bumped into her.

"Nice one, old hag. Don't be in my way next time." Mattheo spat in her face. I glared him down aggressively and he looked back at me for a second. "What the fuck are you looking at? Go back to your dumb friends!" I swear to god, I don't know anything about these people but one thing is for sure, and that is that I'm gonna murder this boy if he continues. 

He walked along with flashing confidence, and gave multiple people a shoulder while walking. I stared him down until he walked into a compartment and shoved the door shut. I rolled my eyes and looked back to the old lady. She looked like she was upset and I instantly felt sorry for her.

"Don't mind him, he's just a dumb arsehole." I smiled and handed her the galleons as I retrieved my cake. "Keep the change." I said giving her one last look before going back to the others.

"Is that Riddle guy always such a dick?" I asked irritated. To which they all nodded. I just looked out of the window. The rest of the ride went by fairly quick. And once Hermione and I had changed into our ropes, the train finally came to a halt. (Were just gonna pretend the dementor scene happened coz i cba writing it)

I followed them out the train and into the woods. I saw some younger people who I assumed were first years, going towards the boats. It was nighttime by now and the light of the castle shone upon the black lake. It was beautiful and I wish we could to sail in those boats, but apparently 3rd years had to take carriages. So we got settled into one and then we started going through the forbidden forest.


Hey guys, im gonna try and stay consisent in updating the book this time, however im not sure if its possible, but im gonna try my best !

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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