chapter 4

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Why would I be the only one in detention right now? I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only troubled student. Why did he have to put me in the very front.

Maybe I should say something... I mean, he keeps on looking at me. It's weird and I'm getting creeped out. I'm sort of getting the feeling that im not only student in here because I'm the only one that did something bad.

"Why am I in detention? I was only passing a note." I asked. "I don't like notes being passed during my lecture." He responded.

"Yeah but everyone passes noted these days.." I say a little nervously.

"Evelyn please don't act like that. You're a good kid. You don't usually do stuff like this. You know what, I like you as a student and I'll let you go. Don't do it again though."

"Thank you so much Professor Styles!" I screamed and walked out of the room.

"Have a nice rest of your day Miss.Foster," he said with that smirk again.

I got back to my room about 10 minutes after detention was over.

"Maddie I have to talk to you about something," I say very excitedly.

"Sure go ahead. What's the problem?"

"I think that Professor Styles has a crush on me."

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