chapter 18

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Its been about 30 minutes that we have been in this fire car. I know the firemen and ambulance are here because I here their sirens; they haven't tried to get us out yet.

"Harry, is this the end?" I asked.

"Evelyn...don't say..that," he said slowly. "We're gonna get...out of no time."

"How are you guys in there?" The firemen shouted.

"You know...we could be better, but otherwise perfectly fine," Louis said.

"Well that's good to hear. We're going to get you guys out right now, just hold tight," he said.

I look over at Harry and start to tear up a little bit because he has blood all over his face and neck and so do the rest of the people in the car. Since I don't know how long its gonna take to get us out or if we ever do get out, I grabbed Harry's hand.

"Alright we're gonna get the passengers out first," the man said.

I try to turn my head to watch them get out but the pain is so vigorous. In the time span of about 5 minutes, all of them were out of the car.

"Maddie!?" I shouted.

"Evelyn, I'll see the hospital," she whimpered.

"Your turn guys, let's get you out of here," the man said.

They first went over to Harry's side and tried to get him out. It took 4 people to get Harry out because of the amount of injuries he had. As i sat in my blood covered sit, I felt a little tear fall down on me.

It only took 2 people to get me out; I was relieved to finally get out of there and to see Harry out as well. I wanted the people to wheel me over to Harry but he immediately got rushed to the hospital. All that was going through my head was hoping everyone was ok because I technically caused this accident.

At the hospital..

"Evelyn?" I hear a voice say. I slowly open my eyes and notice its Zayn and Niall by my bed side.

"She's ok, this is good," Niall says.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You are in a hospital. We got into a car crash," Zayn said.

"Why does my stomach hurt so much?" I ask.

"Well, you had some internal damage and they needed to preform surgery right away," Zayn answered.

"The surgery went great though," Niall finished.

"What about Liam, Louis, Sophia, Maddie and Harry? Oh god they're ok right?" I say panicking.

"Maddie and Liam are still asleep. Um Sophia and Louis are still in surgery and so is...Harry," Niall said hesitantly.

"Niall, don't lie to me. Where is Harry?" I ask again.

"Evelyn he is having some sort of neck surgery to prevent him from paralyzed. He's been in there for about 1 hour," Zayn said.

"Oh my god," I say crying. "This is all my fault...I knew that was a car and I didn't do anything about it."

"Hey look at me. Everything is going to be ok. Harry is going to have a successful surgery and you guys are gonna have your wedding with no problems," Niall says holding my hand.

"You need some rest...Niall let's go check up on the rest of them," Zayn said as they both walked out of my room. I tried closing my eyes for a long time and I never could actually fall asleep; knowing that Harry may come out of this surgery not being able to walk is heartbreaking.

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