chapter 8

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Of course Harry got us the best possible seats in the entire restaurant. We got seats out looking the city.

"Harry this is beautiful," I say.

"Just like you Evelyn." I blushed and said thank you.

"Hello I'm Derek and I'll be your waiter tonight. What can I get you guys to drink?"

"Red wine please," Harry said.

"Red wine is my favorite wine."

"I know you so well don't I?" He said.

"I guess you do." I noticed Harry wasn't paying attention to me when I was talking. Instead he was looking at the entrance door.

"Is everything okay Harry? You don't seem yourself tonight."

"No no I'm fine Evelyn don't worry about me."

Our red wine came out and the waiter poured into our glasses. We cheered to a good night. That good night ended very fast though.

"Harry is that you?" I gave him an angry look because I bet he planned this all out.

"Kendall what are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Yeah Kendall what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh Harry invited me to dinner. He said he was going here and that I should stop by."

"Oh I bet he did. You know what, I should let you two alone because she is obviously more important to you." I grabbed my purse and got up from the table and left. I turned my head back to see Kendall hugging Harry and practically kissing him.


"What the hell Kendall? Why did you have to show up and ruin this perfect night for us?"

"I didn't ruin it Harry and you asked me to come."

"You know damn well I didn't ask you to come. You said that you'll make sure to e there. I'm leaving I have to go apologize to Evelyn."

"You know that she doesn't care about you. She went out on a date with another man Harry. I wouldn't do that to you,"Kendall said.

"Well Kendall that is the chance I'm willing to take." I rushed outside to look for Evelyn and I saw her with Alex.


"Alex what do you want?" I asked.

"I was walking in with my mom and I saw you sitting here alone. What happened?"

"Harry asked Kendall to come join us for our dinner."

"What a jerk. I'm sorry Evelyn. I know he's leaving for tour and everything so this is probably hard for you."

"Evelyn what are doing?" It was Harry.

"This is Alex. He was just comforting me."

"So you're the guy who always breaks Evelyn's heart. Its nice to finally meet you."

"What the hell is your problem man? Evelyn and I are dating; she is my beautiful girlfriend. That's right Evelyn?"

"Harry the way you have been treating me lately I don't even know anymore."

"So you're leaving me for this loser right here?" As soon as Harry said that Alex stepped forward and got right into his face.

"Excuse me Styles, what did you call me?"

"I said you were a girlfriend stealing, loser."

At that point Alex had enough of Harry. He launched his fist into Harry's face. Harry then decided to give him a taste of his own medicine; he punched him back. Blood was running down both of here faces. I tried to step in and stop them.

"Guys stop!" Just then I felt a rush of pain going through my face. Harry had punched me. My boyfriend punched me in the face.

"Oh no Harry. I can't believe you just did that!" Alex said kicking him in the groan and kept punching him in the face. By this time Harry's eyes were all swollen and red, his kips were bloody along with his head.

I had called 911 a little after I got punched because I knew this would never end. The police finally got here but it was too late. All of the damage was done.

"Alex are you ok? I'm so sorry," he was currently getting into an ambulance.

"Evelyn I'm worried about you. Don't make the wrong choice. You deserve someone better than him," Alex said painfully.

I went up and hugged Alex before he was sent away. I had also called Liam because he is the one I can count of the most other than Harry.

"Evelyn! Oh my gosh who did this to you? What happened to you??" Liam asked.

"Liam please I'm so wrecked right now I don't know what to do. Please help me."

"Where is Harry? Did he do this to you?" I shook my head yes. "Harry did this to you!?"

"Liam don't hurt him. He's already hurt enough and I can't deal with anymore trama." I said crying.

"Let's take you home Evelyn." Liam said.

We were walking to his car when we passes Harry.

"Evelyn! Please talk to me!" He grabbed my arm and turned me around. Liam was going to do something but I stopped him. I hit his arm so he would let go of me.

"Its funny how you expect me to talk to you. HARRY LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME!? You know what? Its over until I have decided otherwise. Have fun on your tour you jackass."

Once we got into the car, I started crying to Liam.

"Hey Evelyn, I'm here for you, the other lads are here for you. Anything you need."

"Thanks Liam but right now I just wanna somewhere. Can you take me to a hotel? I'll stay there till you guys leave tomorrow for tour."

"If that's what you want Evelyn. I'll take you to this hotel."

The whole car ride to the hotel was painful. I couldn't stop thinking about went down back at the restaurant. That was the last time I'll ever see Harry again. It was officially over with us.

"Bye Liam. Keep me updated on how Harry does ok?"

"Sure Evelyn. Take care." I hugged Liam and went into the hotel room.

"Room for one please?" The manager gave me the room key and I went upstairs. I flopped down onto my bed and started crying. I needed my best friend to be my side but I don't talk to her anymore.

I finally calmed down and fell asleep. Maybe leaving Harry was good for me. Or maybe it was the wrong choice.

man it was intense when I was writing this. I really enjoyed this chapter because it had a ton of action in it. PLEASE COMMENT AND LEAVE FEEDBACK! Also please vote for this chapter! I might slower to update because I'm so busy getting ready for my concert on Saturday!


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