10: together again

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I was in love with him

Nothing could change the fact that I loved him.

Seeing him again, being with him again made me feel happy.

He deserved love and care.

In my eyes he meant everything to me.

He was my bright shinning sun, and I am his.

 "So are you guys like, together?" Felix asked, sitting across from me.

I smiled, "Yea." I looked at Minho who was sitting next to me with a bright smile.

He was happy, I was happy.

We were together again and I was going to make sure,

Not even the world can break us apart...

2 CHAPTERS LEFT!! I hope you guys have enjoyed the story so far! I honestly didn't expect people to like this story but thank you! I will be updating Secret Love // Jeongchan real soon probably after this book is over! Have a wonderful day.

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