11: back to normal

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Everything was perfect,
Everything was normal.

There was no more hate,
Just love settling in our hearts.

Even though Minho may have been kicked out,
He was happy.

I was happy,
We both were.

We could love without hate,
There would be only love.

"I think we should celebrate." Hyunjin cheered with an arm around Seungmin.

"We really should!" Felix blurted out, he was excited I could tell by the way he was jumping.

"I don't know." I said, I wanted to celebrate but I was worried it'd be too soon for Minho. Of course we were allowed to celebrate.

Our love was reunited,
But what if he wasn't comfortable with partying around them?

"Oh come on babe, it'd be fun." Minho said, wrapping an arm around me and pulling my face closer to his.

Everything really was back to normal.

"Fine. But what if he's there." I looked him dead in his beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm going to show him what's mine." Minho whispered in my ear and kissed me on the lips..

I know.. it was kinda but not really get steamy 😉 but we are down to one chapter left!!

I might make a bonus chapter but that depends on if I think the book should have a bonus chapter.

But we'll see.

Have a wonderful night or day.

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