13: proposal

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Here's the bonus chapter! Enjoy 🙂.


I held my breathe as we sat in the restaurant,
His smile calmed me down a bit. Just knowing he was here with me calmed me down.

We had finished eating,
It was the time to do so.

Would he say yes or no?

"Jisung..You have made my life much more happier than it was before. You made me learn that it was okay to love someone, even if they were the same gender as you. You made me the brightest person ever. And I am sorta freaking out.." I looked at him with worry in my eyes, he had heard the worry in my voice.

"Hyung, where's this going?" He asked, tears where lingering in his eyes threatening to fall.
He looked so beautiful,
So handsome, so perfect.

I got the box out,
With my anxiety I got up from my chair.

I looked into his beautiful brown eyes,
And got one knee with the ring.

"Will you marry me?" I asked.

He was silent..

"Y-yes" He got up from his chair,
We shared a loving kiss,
Some people cheered,
The others we ignored.

I was going to marry him,
The love of my life.

Nothing was going to tare us apart.


This is the actual end of the story! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it!

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