Chapter 1

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Aaria Emerson

“ Fuck, pick the call Man “ i rasped holding the with shivering hands as i  glanced around in desperation of saving my hell sacred ass. 

“ please…pick the call….” I murmured to myself as I dialled Jack’s number for the twentieth time in the last ten minutes but he wouldn’t answer my call even for once which makes me feel shit scared thinking about what if he didn’t come ? what if he got caught by the bodyguards around my mansion or the worst…..what if the men of my mafia father killed him already ?


He will come, he has to come and take me away from this hell called home. 

He’s the only person who can get me out of this hell called home.

Leaving a frustrating sigh, I looked around in the darkness around me. I’m thankful that most of my father’s men  are busy providing him tight security for the past few days, which made me assume that my father did something that led him to seek this extreme level of protection all of sudden.

 Anyway, one good thing that i did was to use this opportunity of their lack of observation on me since everyone else is so occupied with my father and protecting his whereabouts i decide to bring my plan into life as this seemed like the perfect timing. I know I'm risking my life by stepping out of my house in the middle of night hoping for an escape that I've been planning for the past few months.  

Running away from this hell they have named as Emerson Mention has always been my wish or since the day i realised that no one from this family loves me, cares for me and wishes good for me. They All hate me so much and I've no idea why they hate me because I never did anything bad to anyone. I always tried to be good with everyone expecting that maybe they will start  treating me right if I treated them good but no they didn’t and they  won’t until I die. 

I’m Aaria Emerson. The elder daughter of Davies Emerson, who’s a dangerous mafia don.

I’ve been raised as a burden unlike my other two siblings- Catherine and Nicol who got so much love and affection from my parents while I would watch them getting loved, with tears in my eyes. I was too young to understand why I was getting all the hate from my own family and now that I've turned twenty six just a month ago, I still don’t know why I'm getting torched by my own family. 

What have I ever done to them ? 

I don’t know and I don't plan on wasting my life trying to find the answer by enduring all the pain they  cause me hence I've made up my mind to leave this family and run away somewhere I can live, peacefully , happy and with freedome. 

Freedom is one thing I've yearned for forever. 

I should eat what they  give me, I should only wear what they allow me to wear, I should only go to places when they’re in the mood to go there otherwise I'll have to stay locked in this mension which is surrounded by mafia men. There’s no entertainment in my life, no thrill, no adventures, no love, no fun, no soul…..only pain, suffering and abuse. 

I’m tired of living a pathetic life, no matter how many times i tried asking my father why would he make me suffer so much even though i’m his own child, i tired asking my mother, who has no amount of sympathy for me which made me doubt if she is the one who birthed me. My siblings don't even care if I exist or not because they’re getting loved and spoiled by my parents. 

But me, they make me suffer, for every little thing, every fucking time. 

They control me in everything I do or say, as if I'm a puppet. 

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