Chapter 2

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Roi Laurent

The dimly lit basement echoed with the haunting sound of Charles's laboured breaths. His body was battered, bruised, and broken. Result of  my  wrath. . Blood trickled from Charles face and split lips . He was on his knees, trembling before my imposing figure  – I,  Roi Laurent The mafia boss, whom he chose to betray and now he has to go through hell before he actually goes to hell after i kill him. 

I stood with a chilling calmness. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows across my face, emphasising the coldness in my piercing blue eyes that  people are scared of.  My   presence alone is enough to send shivers down the spines of those unfortunate enough to be in my presence. 

"Please, Roi, I beg you, spare me," Charles's voice was shaky, the desperation evident in his eyes as he looked up at me. Fear radiated from every pore and he could hardly believe that the once loyal associate had come to this – at the mercy of the very man he had double-crossed. 

“ trop tard ”My  gaze bore into Charles, his expression inscrutable. He didn't move, didn't show a hint of emotion. The silence in the room was thick with tension, a prelude to the storm that was about to break.

Charles in his worst ever possible condition, beaten and broken, his body battered and bruised from the torment he had endured constantly for forty eight hours since the moment my men caught him red handed as he handed the important information about us to our rival mafia gang. Ropes bound his wrists, his face covered in pain and fear. The room echoed with the sounds of his muffled cries and laboured breaths. 

How much I enjoy seeing him suffer, the pleasure is immense.

"Eight years, Charles," my voice was soft, deceptively calm .Yet he shivered as I continued  "Eight years of trust And this is how you repay me?" In my hand gleamed a sharp knife,.its blade glinting maliciously in the dim light. I toyed with it, tracing patterns in the air as if the blade were an extension of my own thoughts. Every movement is calculated, deliberate, a display of the control  I've over the situation which scares the shit out of Charles. 

Charles's throat must be dry as he struggled to find words. "I-I didn't have a choice," he stammered, his voice barely audible. "They threatened my family. I had to do it." 

A hint of a smile played at the corner of my lips, a chilling contrast to the intensity in my eyes. "Ah, so your loyalty was easily bought, was it? Your family's safety over my trust in you, is that it?" 

Charles's gaze dropped to the floor, unable to meet my piercing stare. He knew he had no defence, no justification that could absolve him of his treachery. 

“ if family was the reason…... .you could have told me…..i would have handled it…..i would have given your family full protection ... .wouldn't I ?” I arched my  perfect sharp eyebrow with a knowing smile as Charles nodded silently. 

“ But you didn’t…..why ?” i asked

"Why, I wonder…" my voice was a low, dangerous rumble that seemed to vibrate through the very walls. My  gaze fixed on Charles' terrified eyes. "Why would you betray me, a man who has been nothing but generous to you? A man who has given you  wealth, and protection all these years? A man who made you part of the empire I built ? why? "I hissed out of pure anger. 

Charles' throat worked as he swallowed hard, the words catching in his throat as it seems like fear paralyzed his vocal cords.

"I'll tell you why," I continued, my tone growing colder. "Greed. That insatiable desire to climb higher, even if it means stepping on the ones who elevated you in the first place." 

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