chapter 5

13 3 0

Aaria Emerson

By the time I returned from that infuriating first encounter with the jerk who dares to call himself a mafia, but can't refuse a marriage orchestrated by his father and his enemy who's my father,

I found the staffs moving my belongings from what barely resembled a room from any angle.

It was a cramped space devoid of any windows or balconies, with only an old cupboard for my clothes, a mirror, and a worn-out bed. Unlike my siblings' luxurious rooms filled with premium products and gadgets, mine lacked any lavish furnishings. Growing up, I was always handed down things already used or unwanted by my siblings, and I accepted them without question, knowing that if I dared to protest, I'd receive even less next time.

It was utterly pathetic, yet somehow I endured this pathetic existence for twenty-six years. But not anymore.

Finally, I was going to leave this place, and just the thought of it brought a sense of relief.

"Where are you taking my belongings?" I questioned Jessi, the head of the cleaning department who had been working for us since I started school. She'd been with us for over twenty years, always treating me kindly. Along with Mr. Kim, our main chef hired for his culinary skills, they had witnessed how my family treated me differently. Though they never inquired why, they ensured to show me kindness and compassion. Their gestures often made me believe that there were good people in this cruel world.

Making a mental note  to reach out to them after two years when I would have enough money and a peaceful life after the divorce, I focused on Jessi's response to my earlier question. "Oh, sweetheart, don't worry. Your belongings are being shifted to your new room."

"New room?" I echoed in disbelief.

"Yes, this morning your father instructed us to move your clothes and books to the new room on the  first floor, specially designed just for you. And the old furniture and bed will be replaced with brand new ones," she explained, a hint of happiness gleaming in her eyes.

"Why all of a sudden now?" I asked Jessi. Before she could respond, I heard my father's voice coming from behind me.

"Because now, you're not just my daughter but soon to be the wife of Roi Laurent," I heard my father’s voice  as Jessi's gaze shifted behind me, and she nodded at him out of respect before swiftly leaving the room. I turned to face my father, who looked irritated as usual.

"What do you mean?" I demanded, wanting more explanation.

He took a puff from his tobacco pipe before replying, "You don't need to know everything, and I'm not going to entertain your questions. Just be happy that you'll be treated well until your marriage."

The mention of marriage ignited anger within me. I wished I could grab the tobacco pipe from his hand and shove it down his throat for treating me like a pawn.

For years, I had longed for the kind of treatment he was offering now, but I couldn't find any happiness in it because I knew it was driven by his selfish desires, not out of any care for me.

"There used to be a time when I truly wished for all the lavish things you're offering me now... but now I just don't feel happy or satisfied. You know why?" A lone tear escaped my eye, but I quickly wiped it away. I didn't want to waste my tears on someone who wouldn't appreciate them.

"Say it quickly, I don't have all day for you," he retorted, glancing at his watch.

"Because even now, it's not because you've realised how much you've hurt me or how much I deserve these good things, but because of your own selfishness... How could you be so selfish that you don't even see the damage you've caused to others and especially Me? How could you, Father?" My voice cracked, and I struggled to form the words as a lump formed in my throat.

He responded with a disgusting laugh, cutting through me like a sharp knife. "And that's why you're pathetic," he sneered before turning and walking away, leaving me behind with tears streaming down my cheeks.

It's not that I don't know how to be selfish. People just don't realise that I'm selfish too, in my own way. And the biggest example of that is - Jack.

What happened to him is still a mystery but I just hope he’s alive at least. It was selfish of me to plan an escape using him, but he wasn’t any  less selfish to help me escape from this place only to sleep with me. Both of us were ready to use each other for our own benefits. However, I didn't want him to die though.

Soon I need to find out what actually happened to him.

With a frustrated sigh, I made my way to my new room. There was no use crying over someone who doesn't care whether I live or die.

So, I wiped away my tears and comforted myself.

I've learned to rely on myself because I know I'm the only one I can count on.

"Wow," was the first word that escaped my lips as I entered the room. It was huge, much bigger than my old one. The modern furniture with a touch of classic style, the large balcony, and the big windows covered in flowing white curtains that swayed in the wind, along with the walls painted in shades of pink and white, gave off a fairytale vibe.

Workers were still arranging some things in place, like the closet, bed, and curtains, while I took my time exploring the room and the luxurious bathroom, complete with a bathtub and separate shower area. Today, for the first time in a while, I felt truly rich.

By the time I finished inspecting everything, the workers had left. Taking a moment to appreciate the princess-like room, I made my way to the soft mattress and collapsed on it. I still needed to take a bath and apply ointment to my wounds; they still hurt. Every part of my body ached, but at least the mattress was comfortable.

As I stared at the ceiling, I remembered Roi's words. How dare he assume I'll cheat on him? He's incredibly annoying, but there's no denying he's attractive. It's hard to focus on his words when I just want to admire him.

His blue eyes, oh my god, there's something captivating about them.

But his mouth spews out nonsense, Anyway

I have to put up with him for the next two years, and then I'll be free to live my life with a pocket full of money and no one to hurt me anymore. Money wasn't something I considered until Roi brought up his own sets of  rules to follow along with the marriage contract but later I realised I'll need it to start fresh in a new country. It'll take time to settle in and find a job, so the money will be necessary for survival. Who knows, I can even start a small business and live a life that doesn’t hurt me anymore.

Lost in thought, I closed my eyes, ready to sleep after being exhausted by the things happening around me for the last few days. But suddenly, I felt cold water splashing against my skin, jolting me awake.

"What the hell?" I yelled instantly and saw the sight of my little sister - Mia, was standing beside the bed with an empty water jug in her hand.

seriously ?

I thought Dealing with that jerk Roi  and my heartless father was enough for one day. Now, Mia?

Why god ? Why do you hate me so much ?

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