Sam Kerr - it feels right

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I wake up to my 4:00am alarm on a Monday. most people hate Mondays because it's the first day of work or school, but my work is 7 days a week so they can honestly suck it up and be grateful.

i put some random footy shorts on n a hoodie and put my AirPods in, i grab my phone and shove it in my pockets and leave to go for a run. If i want to play at the world cup for Aus, i have to start putting the work in.

I'm technically already in the team but i'm just a bench player, nobody even looks to see if i'm good because they are to focused on their star players.

As i jog through a park i see a familiar brunette stretching on the grass.

The closer i get the more i start to notice that it's Sam Kerr - Captain of the Matilda's - my captain.

i start running a little further away hoping to not get spotted although i don't think she would even know my name.

Sam is a great captain, but unfortunately sometimes i think she just focusses on our best 15-18 players and kinda forgets that there are still some of us here training and putting in all the work as well.

She is insanely hot tho, i'll give her that.

After running past the park i continue running for another half an hour, then turning around and coming back.

When running past the park again Sam is no longer there, she must be at training-

oh fuck

i forgot we had training for fucks sake.

I ended up sprinting all the way home regardless of how stupid i looked, quickly grabbing my soccer bag and car keys.

I think i broke about 3 laws just to get there on time.. well obviously not on time.

i ran into the building and put my bag in the lockers, all of the girls clearly already being on the pitch.

I tie my hair up into a pony tail and change into uniform.

I run straight out onto the pitch interrupting the group talk all the girls were having with tony.

All the girls were on the ground looking up at tony but as i run towards them and get closer, more and more heads turn towards me.

"hey sorry i'm late"  i say quietly going to sit down

"hang on who are you? security we have a fan on the pitch-" tony says before getting cut off by Charli Grant.

"Tony she plays here?" charli reply's as i sat next to her red in the face from embarrassment

"Charli is this a joke? i don't think i've ever seen her before" he replies

"i'm a bench player" i reply with my head down embarrassed

"does anyone else know her?" he asks confused

quiet "yea's" and "mhm's" are spoken from the group of women.

"oh my- my apologies, what was your name again" he asks slightly guilty

"y/n y/ln, sir. i've played here for about 3 years" i reply quietly.

"oh uh, well sorry again and try not to be late next time." he replies as he continues his training demonstration/talk.

Charli nudges me
"hey, you okay?"

"oh yea all good" i reply still looking down as my face is still red

"Y/n i know you, i know when your upset. And i know that probably would've hurt but i'm here for you" she replies sweetly

"Char i know your just trying to help but that was probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened in my career."

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