Sensation heroes (part 1.)

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It's about morning time in South Park rn. And of course right as I thought it would be a peaceful morning. There was a loud ass bang on my door. X and Valerie woke up right away.

"I'll go get that.. sorry for the negative energy coming in already.." Neptune sighed.

Neptune ran out of her bedroom and almost fell down the stairs.
As right as she got there she slammed open the door. Wait .. is that.. CARTMAN!? Oh no no no.. he can't be showing up to my house after making fun of my favorite band. WHAT A BITCH!

"What do you want fat ass" Neptune said.

"Ahem..we want to invite you, Valerie, and X, to join coon and friends." Cartman answered.

"What do you mean by WE?" Neptune continued a bit confused.

"You know who" he answered.

"Yeah sure whatever.." Neptune slammed the door. And then opened it right back up. "Text me later" she said then closed the door again.

Neptune ran back up to her room.

"Do you guys wanna be like super heroes or smth?"

"REALLY??" Valerie beamed

"I mean.. if it's nothing dangerous than fuck yeah." X responded.

Neptune sat down.

"Y'all let's have a gacha life singing battle" X said

"OMG YESSS ME FIRST" Val screamed


"Val what the fuck" Neptune giggled "OK MY TURN"

"YOU saY lIKE toooooo MuCh, I lOvE yOU wAY To MuCh. WELL BABY IM AFRAID iM falliNg fOr yOu 🤠🤠"

"Ok everyone stop joking around we need super hero costumes" X interrupted

"True" Neptune and Val said

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