Chapter 3 ~ delay tactics ~

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There was a small stage where a band was setting up and Tap saw Chet talking to a guy whom he guessed was the artist, he was dressed completely in black and wore silver jewellery and man did he love himself.

It looked as if Chet was quite friendly with the guy too as they discussed what songs the artist was going to perform, Tap could hear Chet insisting that the music was child friendly until after 9.30pm, not too loud and no raunchy lyrics and the singer nodded in agreement.

Tap watched as Chet bowed to the singer and his band mates before walking away to chat with more people and he noticed how the singer followed him with his eyes, his desire was obvious for anyone to see. He must have felt Tap's eyes on him because he suddenly look across and smirked when he saw Tap watching him.

Tap didn't like the guy, he was the first person since arriving here that Tap could sense was bad news, he'd dealt with many of his ilk while back in the states and if the guy thought he could be intimidated by his sneer then he was sorely mistaken.

They both stared at one another each hoping the other would look away first. The decision was made when a young girl went up to speak to the singer and he couldn't ignore her without appearing rude, he smirked and shrugged his shoulders at Tap before looking away.

Tap ordered a coffee from the bar and watched as Chet went back up on the stage to introduce the band and the singer Shanut (Nut) Shenyapatchol then smiled at everyone wishing them a pleasant evening before leaving the stage to walk over to the bar where Tap was sitting nursing his coffee.

"you decided to stay a while Mr Sittanasong" he said smiling once more at Tap.

"only until I drink this" Tap replied.

"will you be ok walking back to your cottage or would you like me to walk you back considering it's your first night here" Chet offered.

Tap glanced over at the entertainment and noticed the singer looking in their direction then gave his own little smirk before answering the manager.

"yes, thank you I'd like that" he said.

"very well sir, I'll hang around here until your ready" Chet smiled.

"you don't have to keep calling me sir or Mr Sittanasong, please, just call me Tap" he added.

"understood Tap and likewise, please call me Chet" he replied.

"so do you live on Koh Samui?" Tap asked him.

"I was born here, yes, my family live in the next village but I stay in a cottage here at the resort, I'm your neighbor as it happens" he said smiling again.

"oh, your cottage is next to mine?" Tap enquired.

"yes so if you ever need assistance out of hours you know where I am" Chet said.

"My grandfather was a fisherman in that village, perhaps your family knew him?" Tap said.

"really? what a small world, so you decided to come home, then I should welcome you home Tap" Chet said beaming even wider now.

Tap couldn't help but smile back, the guy's enthusiasm was contagious. he swilled down the last of his coffee before standing to leave and Chet informed the bar staff that he was taking a thirty minute break to escort a guest back to one of the cottages.

One last look across at the band informed Tap that the singer was pissed to see them both leaving together and he shrugged back at the guy before turning to cross the bridge over the pool. He placed his hand near the small of Chet's back, he wasn't touching him but the singer didn't know that.

The pair chatted amicably as Chet escorted Tap back to the safety of his cottage then asked if there was anything more he could do?

"I think I'm good thank you but perhaps you could show me how everything works?"

"sure, then I'll show you the shower first" Chet said.

Tap had been talking to the bar staff who said the band left at 11pm so he decided to delay Chet as long as possible to piss the singer off even more. He made sure to ask questions about every little thing he could, anything he could think of to delay the manager, how does this work?, what does this do, what if this happens? how do I turn this on?

In the end Chet decided it was pointless walking back to the resort tonight, he called a colleague and asked them to draw the evening to a close on his behalf and after saying goodnight to the guest he walked further along the beach to his own cottage.

Tap woke early the following morning and he was lounging in his cottage, the morning sun streaming in through the window's. He saw Chet walk by on his way to the resort and he remembered how he had kept delaying him last night, that singer would be so pissed and Tap smiled at the thought.

He wondered why he felt he had to annoy the singer so much and told himself he just didn't like the guy, it certainly wasn't because he was envious of his and Chet's interactions, no way.

Later on he would take a walk over to the resort and enquire about a car, he clutched his mothers wedding ring which he wore on a chain around his neck and it made him feel as if she was still with him. It was a small piece of her returning back to the island where she had grownup. He decided to get washed up and head over there for breakfast, perhaps Chet could help him rent a car and show him around the island?

After taking a shower, Tap dressed quickly before leaving his cottage to walk to the resort. He had almost reached the bridge over the pool when his phone rang, looking at the display he saw it was his friend Lon Ryou, partner of Kiri Junphanatat, the owner of the resort.

He stopped walking to take the call,

"Lon, how are you?" Tap enquired.

"not too bad, I just thought I'd check in to see if everything is ok for you in Koh Samui?" Lon asked.

"it is, it's a beautiful place Lon, thank you for recommending it"

"you're welcome, any problems let me know" Lon added.

"will do, I'm on my way to the resort now to ask about hiring a car, I'm hoping the manager, Mr Thonsappapong can point me in the right direction of a few estate agents" Tap replied.

"Chet? yes he's a great guy, I'm sure he will be able to help you" Lon said.

"is he always so ... smiley?" Tap asked.

"hehehe yeah, that's just the way he is"

"is he dating that singer guy? Nut or whatever?" 

"not as far as I know, why,  are you interested?" Lon asked.

"hell no' I'm not into dude's Lon, I just wondered after the guy was glaring at me last night when I was talking to Thonsappapong at the bar"

"I guess he see's you as a threat, he might be interested but Chet doesn't date as far as I am aware, he's always focused on work, never takes time off, I'm thinking he could do with a break" Lon replied as the cogs started turning.

"listen Tap, have you had breakfast yet?" Lon asked

"just on my way now"

"well give me as long as it takes you to eat breakfast, I have an idea so don't enquire about a car just yet, I'll be in touch" Lon said hanging up.

Tap stared down at his phone wondering what Lon had up his sleeve, whatever, I guess I'll find out soon enough he thought to himself as he continued walking towards the resort.


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