Chapter 1: Step-dad

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"Tilly? Is that you?" A voice calls out from the kitchen

"Yeah mom it's me" Matilda dumps her school bags on the floor by the front door and kicks off her overly worn out air forces and places them neatly on the shoe rack.

"Can you come here please, I need to talk to you about something" Her voice sounding more serious then normal, a wave of worry floods through Tilly's body, She walks into the kitchen to her mom and Craig (her mom's new boyfriend).

"Oh.. hi Craig..." Tilly has never been a fan of Craig ever since he started dating her mom.

"Hey Matilda" His rough voice sends shivers down Matilda's spine, her body tensed up at hearing him say her name.

Tilly quickly changes her focus to her mom "So mom what did you wanna talk about?"

Her mom is a very beautiful but professional woman, she has the typical trophy wife Hollywood look but a very serious manner with life and business. "Well Tilly..." she takes Craig's hand and smiles at him, his smile back is not warm if anything it's sly and uncomfortable for Tilly once again unsettling her nerves. "We're getting married!" Her mother calls out excitedly. Matilda's heart sunk... her face dropped for a moment as silence filled the room while Matilda processes what she's been told.

"You're what?..." Tilly's head and heart racing with thoughts and emotions.

"We're getting married Tilly! Craig's going to be officially part of the family" Her mother was so happy, how could Tilly take that away from her this was probably the happiest she's seen her mom in a long time. Tilly plasters a fake smile across her face.

"Omg that's so exciting for you both! Congrats" This was the fakest congratulations you'd have ever heard, but she was trying.

"Isn't it great Matilda, you'll finally have a Dad" his smug face made her feel sick.

"Step-dad..." she mutters aside to herself, his words pierced her heart. She had a dad, she didn't need a replacement... sure he's not a present dad but she'd made it 16 years not needing one so she definitely didn't need one now. AND certainly did not want Craig. "Well I do have a Dad Craig..." her tone came out harsh and quickly covered up "but welcome to the family" she once again forced a smile on her face.

"Oh but honey that's not the only news! We just didn't see the point in waiting so we're getting married in the next week" her mom pulls her in for a tight hug and smiles wide "don't worry though you'll be at the wedding!" Tilly pulls away... why wouldn't she have been at the wedding? With a puzzled look across her face she looks at her mom, who very quickly continues on "oh well, since we're getting married so soon it means we're also off to our Honeymoon... which is going to be around two months of travelling"

"Wait what?!" Tilly crossed her arms, her body became very closed off. "You're leaving me for TWO whole months mom?" She was no longer faking a smile, how could she be left home for two months sure she's old enough but that wasn't fair to give her barely any notice.

"Tilly don't be difficult! Your mom deserved for me to take her away for a while. Especially after all these years of having to take care of you alone"  Craig's voice was harsh and his words hurt Tilly, was she really that much of a burden to them? Tilly stayed silent trying to avoid eye contact with Craig.

"It's going to be okay though Tilly, the weddings planned for next week and then... you'll be going to stay with your dad" her mom hesitated and looked at Tilly with hope for a good response.

"Oh this just keeps getting better" she mutters to herself, not only is her mom marrying HIM but also she's getting dumped with her father for TWO Months... left with a man who barely even remembers her birthday, a man that can't keep his pants on, someone whose practically a sex addict, a man that is so in love with himself  he's barely acting when he's in these action movies because he is just that arrogant in person.

"Don't be ungrateful it's not like Chris lives a rough life, at least you'll be spending two months in a mansion and with a shit ton of money kid" Craig's patronising comments only made her blood boil more. Matilda has had enough.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" She crosses her arms avoiding eye contact with them both. She was so mad at her mom, how could she do this to her... but at least her mom was happy.

"Oh Tilly it'll be good for you to spend time with him"

"Yeah okay... so are we done?" Her moms face looks defeated, Tilly felt guilt fill up inside of her "okay look I'm happy for you... it's just a lot for me... can I go to my room?" Her mom goes to hug her but Tilly takes a step back, her mom sadly nods her head. Tilly heads out of the kitchen up the stairs.

"Do you want any dinner?" Her mom calls out

"No I'm fine, me and Bailey got food after school" Tilly continues up stairs to her room and closes the door. She leans against the door and closes her eyes, this was going to be the worst summer.

Matilda takes off her hoodie and hangs it up, she catches herself in the mirror. She brushes her hair behind her ears and examines every inch of herself and sighs before changing into her comfy clothes. She slumps at her desk and pops her air pods in before unlocking her phone.

N: Hey babe

T: Hey, sorry it's been a long evening...

N: everything okay?

T: My mom & Craig are getting married :(

N: Oh... when's the wedding?

T: that's the best part... next week and then I'm getting shipped off to my dad for the honeymoon

N: WTF! Surely that's too fast and not fair on you!

T: It is what it is I guess

N: That's so shit babe... are you okay?

T: yeah I'm fine, can't do much about it really but I'm glad she's happy!

N: but Craig... you should tell her how he treats you.

T: it's fine honestly! At least you get to be my date to the Wedding! <3

N: Well... as long as you're okay! And you'll look stunning <3

Tilly smiles, and starts her music and plugs her phone in to charge before climbing into bed and listening to Taylor Swift (her favourite singer of course). This summer was not going to be an easy one.

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