Chapter 6: Rehearsal

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Matilda's POV

When people say no one walks in L.A. They aren't lying, we arrived to the rehearsal space within about 10 mins but could've easily walked just as quick. I hopped out the car and stand on the sidewalk looking at this stunning arts Centre which is where the play was rehearing before it transferred into the Los Angeles Theatre which is the most beautiful theatre I had ever been too!

"Hey kiddo hurry up and get inside" I quickly snap back to reality and follow my dad inside taking in all the views as we walk through into the big rehearsal space. The room was filled with so many actors of different ages, majority on the older side around my dads age. In front of the mirrors sat a long line of tables for the creative team to sit.

"Don't panic everyone the star is here" dad arrogantly announced to the room taking off his sunglass and hanging them from his neck. Most of the cast seemed to be pandering to his cocky 'Star' demeanour. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Oh you're finally here, rehearsals were meant to start 5 minutes ago Mr Steele" a very blunt reply shot across the room by the lady from the other night... Rose I think was her name. I watch as my dad rolls his eyes and turns to face her.

"Well you see my unexpected visitor" he motions towards me "needed tending to this morning, so my apologies" he plastered a fake smile across his face and ironically bows towards her. I suddenly felt a room full of eyes staring at me. Shit. I awkwardly folded my arms holding myself in comfort and felt my face heating up, so I just know I turned red.

"Hi everyone" I sheepishly reply.

"For those that didn't meet my wonderful daughter, this is Matilda"  I could see people whispering to each other and staring at me with forced smiles, I felt incredibly uncomfortable.

"Well it's lovely to meet you again Matilda, would you actually like to sit up here with me? You can get a front row seat to watch your father" Rose replies with a soft smile. I smile and nod starting to take myself up to the table as the room begins to get ready to rehearse. "Right everyone!" Rose calls everyone's attention. "As you all know we are unfortunately a cast member down" I watch as everyone's eyes seemed to be staring at my dad... I can only assume he's the reason for someone quitting the play.

"I'm sure it won't be hard to replace her" I hear my dad not so subtly whisper to one of the other cast members in the room.

"This means we currently don't have a Cordelia, so we will be trying to recast this role but in the meantime we will continue to set the rest of the play" I loved playing Cordelia when I did it in school. I truly would love to perform for a job, especially in theatre I guess that is the one thing I get from my dad. "Let's go from the top of Act one scene 5" everyone begins to scurry into places, most now without scripts in hand... all really except my dad. "Still not off script I see" Rose takes a stab at my dad.

"I do have the most to learn and hey at least I've read it now" he goes and sits on the throne in the middle of the room.

"Oh Matilda why don't you read in for Cordelia-"

"No she will not!" My dad cuts in.

"I would love to" I glare at my dad picking up the script, I could see the rest of the cast
looking around at eachother in the awkward silence between my dad and I.

"Right okay, when you're all ready just start" Rose calls out. The scenes begin to run through with my dad performance not being that great, I was rather embarrassed about how little he know of acting specifically for Shakespeare... I definitely feel the second hand embarrassment about how he barely knows a single line in the whole Damn play, I swear they were a month at least into rehearsals.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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