Chapter 2: Suitcase

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Matilda's POV

The week had seemed to fly by with all the preparations for the wedding happening at ten times the normal speed. They had decided on a small wedding with only a few close friends and family... it was a lovely wedding as much as it wasn't what I wanted, I was so pleased to see just how happy mom was again.

All I knew now was I had less then 24 hours until I hopped on the plane to fly from Charlotte to L.A and even better is I hadn't even finished packing! I guess I had been avoiding it really... it had been so long since I had spent time with my dad, to be honest the last time I heard from him was a phone call on my birthday... well what he thought was my birthday at least.

Knock knock

"Hey Tilly, how's the packing going? I brought you up some pizza... I assumed you'd be getting hungry" moms voice was soft, I think she knew I was worried about going to dads.

"Oh thanks, I'll have it a bit later. I have no clue what to pack or how much to... He has a washer right?" I laugh a little

"Well if he doesn't I'm sure he has someone to do it for him! After all he is a big Hollywood star" I've missed our sarcastic joking around, things have been so different lately between us.

"You're right, well I guess I'll pack enough and if I run out I guess he'll just have to buy me some more clothes" I smile and fold some more clothes into my suitcase. There was this silence in the room as we both don't utter a word, we know what each others thinking and I could tell she felt a kind of guilt from it all.

"Megan! Where did you put my razor?" Craig's voice shouts from the bathroom killing the atmosphere.

"I better go help him otherwise we will never finish packing either" mom gently rubs my back "let me know if you need anything" I nod and smile as she leaves the room. I zip up the suitcase and put it by the door before flopping down onto my bed staring up at the ceiling. What was seeing my dad going to be like... I used to idolise that man growing up until I realised he was such a dead beat, egomaniac and never showed any interest in me.

My dad is a Hollywood star, so you can only imagine the shit he's gotten himself into. From sex scandals, far too many girlfriends and big star meltdowns, he became completely unrecognisable the more fame got to him. After the divorce it was like he had completely forgot I even existed, he's too wrapped up in being the onscreen action hero, and being the biggest Heartthrob for him to even bother to come to any birthdays, homecomings or even my plays or recitals. It hurts that he doesn't care.


I pick myself back off the bed, that was enough doweling for one evening nothings going to change this from happening. I continue to pack my backpack making sure I have some entertainment for the flight, and making sure I had my inhaler, epipens and all the other medications I may need for the two months.


N: How's the packing going?

T: Almost there... I can't believe I won't get to see you for the whole summer

N: I know it's so shit... but I guess we gotta deal with it

T: I guess so, but you'll remember to keep me updated on what you're up to right? I'm gonna be so bored I'll need to live through you this summer lol!

N: haha don't worry babe I'll FaceTime you ever night to update you.

I felt my cheeks blush and I smiled. I finish packing my bag double checking for all the essentials: passport, medication, boarding pass, chargers, headphones and wash bag. It's all there packed and ready to go, the butterflies still filling my stomach. I put my bag next to the suitcase so it's all together and hang up my outfit ready for tomorrow before getting ready for bed.

I catch myself in the mirror... I stare... I stare a little too hard... why do I look like that... I shake the thoughts out of my head and turn to the pizza left on the side... I guess I'm not super hungry but I can have one slice. I get a slice down and climb into bed. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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