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New Jersey City

14 Scarlet Blvd

7:30 A.M


At the sound of her mother's yells, Kaylie quickly woke up to the sound of not just her mother screaming at her to get up, but also her alarm clock which was still on for what might have been as long as an hour. "I'm up mom, I'm up!", Kaylie tiredly responded before throwing the bed sheets off of her now cold body. She slipped on her pink, fluffy slippers before heading to the bathroom down the hall.

As Kaylie tried to make her way to the bathroom, she tripped over a loose floorboard that her mom had been talking about fixing for days now. We really need to get that fixed , she thought to herself as she picked herself up from the cold floor, letting out a groan mixed with pain and sleepiness. "Who!" Kaylie practically screamed as she angrily glanced at the stained toilet seat, which she had assumed was the doings of one of her annoying older brothers.

No matter what, the three childish little boys that Kaylie had the unfortunate luck of calling her brothers were nothing less than an even mix of a headache and disgust. If you spent at least a day with the boys, these things could easily become evident. Sure, her brothers were great at soccer and basketball, but something that they were not good at was their aim.

"GIRL! DONT YELL IN MY HOUSE!", Kaylie's mom yelled back. She knew that she shouldn't be yelling in the house, but her brothers always found a way to make her blood boil. But, to be fair, no one was supposed to be yelling in the house, being that the thin walls of their apartment made it easy for the neighbors to hear even a pin drop, nevertheless, an angry little sister yelling at her nasty older brothers.

"Sorry, mom!"

---------Kaylie's POV------------------

"Did you see Jessica Barnes yesterday?"

"Hell, yeah!"

"She was looking hot"

"You're telling me"

"She should bend over more often"

"Yeah, for me"

I walked beside the boys, both earplugs in as I listened to "Diamonds" by Rihanna, trying my best to drown out the disgusting comments that my idiot brothers were making about Jessica Barnes, a model-worthy senior who was way out of their league. The only one of my brothers that hadn't joined the conversation was Jackson, who already had a girlfriend. Faith was Jackson's girlfriends of about a year and a half. She was a humble girl, but that didn't mean that she was some saint. At times, she could be a bit rude, but she could also be kind. She had loose, curly black locks that were cut to a bob. She was of mixed race, and one of the most mature people that I had ever met.

Maybe it was the beauty mark that lay right below the corner of her nose, somewhere down to her upper lip. People with beauty marks always did seem a lot more mature to me. But, one thing that I knew was that she was absolutely beautiful-and best friends with Jessica.

"Can you both shut up?!", I rolled my eyes, popping out my earpiece. "Well, what's up with you, lil' sis?", Darrell asked as he ruffled my hair. "Stop it!" I complained, smoothing back my new silk press with my hands as I flicked him in the side of the head. "Calm down, Kk. He's just playing", AJ chuckled, wrapping an arm around me. I quickly threw it off. "You don't play when it comes to my hair. Got it?".

They all simply laughed.

"Wow, sis. We knew that you could sing, but what we didn't know was that you were some kind of prima donna now", Jackson stated. "Maybe a diva..." Darrell added "And a goody-two-shoes...", AJ joined in.

I pushed past all of them in annoyance, walked farther up, putting my earplugs back in, and turning up the music. I could still distantly hear the boys calling after me, but I didn't care.


Deborah Parks Middle School

8:30 A.M


"What up girl?", I greeted my bestie, Camilla, as I set my bag down in the seat next to hers. "What it do, boo?", she greeted back. Camilla closed her comic book before looking up at me in rememberance, her forest green green eyes sparkling in delight. "Guess what happened today?" she asked, holding in a squeal. "You ate a rat?"


"You ate beans for breakfast?"


"A bear came across your family's campsite and tried to steal all of your honey?"

"Just stop it"

I giggled in amusement, turning around to fully face her. "So, remember how Jace and I had saved each other's number so that we could work on that stupid science project that Mrs.Barnes gave us?", I nodded. "Well, last night, he called me and asked if I wanted to sit with him and his friends at lunch next week after he gets back from visiting his mom in PA". After that, we both let out squeals of excitement.

Camilla was a latina girl with wavy brown hair and sparkling skin as clear as day. It was almost impossible not to notice her beauty, so it all made sense that someone would want to be with her sooner or later. Sure, it was only some lunch invite, but it could lead to so much more.

"OMG! Girl, this is amazing. You've got a new boooooo"

"Shut up!", Camilla whisper-shouted as she slapped my arm. "Ouchie!".

For the continuation of the lunch period, Camilla and I chatted about what to say and what makeup and jewelry she would wear, being that she was allowed to, unlike me whose mother was far too strict to let me do anything that the other girls in school were doing.


Author's Note

Hey guys! I know that this first chapter was probably confusing, but I just wanted to show how Zarah/Kaylie lived before fame. But don't worry. Next chapter, i'll start to mention how she began her claim to fame.

I hope that you guys enjoyed and have a wonderful day!

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