Chapter 13: Back in life

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Nooshy perked up from the slumber she suddenly fell into. The last thing she remembered was being in a police car when it came to an abrupt stop.

Now, she saw herself in a room, laying on a floor. But the most confusing thing was...she was back in her normal form, the very same she was before all this happened.

How did- "Good morning, Miss Wright!" She heard, slowly looking around, she saw a brown dog, looking at her, and smiling. She knew that face from somewhere...

"I hope you slept well." The dog continued. "We found you somewhere that isn't your home, so we brought you back home."

"I- What?" "Yeah, we have learned about the ongoing search for you, and decided to help you ourselves." He continued, Nooshy slowly matching the voice to someone she knew.

"I need to inform the-" "No worries, we already did." The dog continued. "I'm Chase, by the way."

Chase. He saved her. Not Porsha, not Sweetie, he did. What a strange coincidence...almost as if-

"Anyway, you may go, we just wanted to keep you here until you wake up." He said, and handing her a phone. "We also found this at the bomb site in Hungary."

She took it. It was her phone. She quickly unlocked it, and went to calls. The ringing was short, instantly picked up by Johnny.

"Nooshy!" "Johnny, I am alive!" Nooshy shouted in the phone, while making her way out of the room.

"Thank god!" Johnny said. "I want to hug you so so so much. Where are you?" 

"Ehh..." She looked up as she left the whole building. "Police?"

"I'm on my way." And he hung up. She quickly went through her contacts, but...she was surprised. The only contact she has on emergency list wasn't there. Like, at all.

Porsha's contact wasn't there.

Weird. She thought as she tried to remember her number. She knew Porsha has two, but the second one she uses very little, since it's mainly for spam.

In the end she did recall the number and dialed it.

"The number you are trying to reach is no longer in service." 

Weird. She thought, but in the same time locked her phone since she heard a fairly familiar car sound. It was Johnny.

"Hey!" He said, opening the door from the inside. She jumped in and quickly kissed him, missing him.

"Can I have your phone?" Nooshy asked, as Johnny nodded and handed her his phone, knowing she didn't have something bad planned.

Nooshy quickly checked Porsha's number in Johnny's phone and it was right. So then, why wasn't her number working? And there's no way she just wasn't able to pay for it. But she let it pass, it was probably a one-time thing.


Fucking water. Sweetie thought as she tried to dry her fur in a public bathroom in London. She accidentally flew into the sea because she wasn't looking at her path, but rather at dolphins.

*Ring* *Ring*

A phone? This has a normal phone? She thought, pressing the blinking button.

"Sweetie?" Timur, it was him.

"Hi..." She began. "Soul crashed-"

"Are you okay?" 

He was...worried. Was he just worried out of pity because of what she was going through? Probably.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sweetie said. "Did you get the files?"

"I did, but then everything died, that's why phones still exist." He said. "The worse part is that without the servers and everything I don't even know how we can follow her, not to mention the lack of dimension travel."

Sweetie then thought of something in her pup pack. It immediately extended and she smiled. 

"I have my ways." Sweetie said. "But before I would like to try and look for Nooshy. Till then, try to start Jarvis up."

"Will try to, good luck." And he hung up. Sweetie exited the stall, only to get met by a dozen of officers standing around, and many people behind them recording it all.

"Can I help you?" Sweetie asked. She was fully aware that her suit was in her collar, but it would pop out even if Jarvis wasn't online.

"Take down the collar, now!" One of them ordered.

"Why though?" Sweetie asked, walking around the small circle they made. "A collar is just an identification of a dog."

"Take down the collar right this instant!" The same officer said.

"Or?" "Fire!" 

It was so fast that everyone just saw the small, beautiful white terrier disappear into a purple and black suit that came out of her collar, and with a helmet hiding her mouth too. The officers were shooting, but not even a point of the bullet touching her was made.

"Done?" Sweetie asked sheepishly. "Now me." 

The weaponry consisting of basic guns, rifles, launchers and rays extended out of her pup pack, and began immediately shooting the officers, killing them on the place.

She knew everything was being recorded, or right away streamed but she didn't care; she isn't from here. 

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