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"We gathered here, to say our last farewells, to our hero..." 

Sweetie was sitting in the first row of the crematorium, beside Porsha, his best friend, and his parents and brother. She wasn't even supposed to be there, none of this would have happened if she held him back that time.

"...now please, stand up in honor, and pray."

The girl was unknown to everyone besides Porsha. Of course, Porsha was widely known as his girlfriend, but Sweetie was...friend?

To the public, she was Sweetie Jurrgen, a student of engineering and IT in Surrey, Canada, whom Timur met one day, and became great friends with her.

To those who knew her before, she was the most powerful being in the multiverse, and also a loving mother of her daughter.

As she stood there, seeing the casket being closed, she wondered what would happen, if she attacked Chase alone that day.

Soon, it was over, as everyone bid their last farewells to the casket, which was brought outside to be placed in a grave. Sweetie wanted to mourn with his family, but in the back of her head still lingered; you could have saved him.

Walking out, she didn't even notice the amount of people that were inside, mainly his friends, extended family, neighbors, and so on. The two cars, one for her and one for them, were already ready, being heavily guarded by robots, as well as the whole venue was guarded from the press.

"Sweetie!" She heard from behind, making her turn around. There was Porsha, wiping away the tears.

"My condolences, Porsha," Sweetie said.

"Thank you for coming," Porsha said between cries. "His parents are really glad you showed up, and they say their doors are open for you anytime."

"Thanks." Sweetie said, putting her hands into the pockets, when she felt something in them. "Oh, I have something."

She took the pen out and handed it to Porsha.

"He said it's for you," Sweetie said.

"Thank you," Porsha said. "So...what now?"

"I'm gonna need some time to think everything through, but we are moving with Valerie to a whole different multiverse, one where no danger will be for her." Sweetie explained. "Since I'm powerless now."

"That's good," Porsha said. "And...my doors are always open for you."

Sweetie just nodded, opening the doors to the car and getting inside.

Immediately her thoughts ran as to how to explain to her daughter that she no longer had a father.

"Jarvis?" Nothing in response. Then she reminded herself that along with Timur, Jarvis was gone too.

"Program accelerator, to universe 617."


"You want marshmallows with it?" Everest asked, as both her daughter, Ashley, and Valerie were sitting on the couch.

"Yes, please," Valerie replied, suddenly hearing an engine outside. "Ah! Your dad came home!"

"I...doubt that, Valerie." Ashley said, "But it would be good."

"It's...not your father," Everest said, noticing the car outside, and who came out of it.

Soon there was a knock on the door, and Everest immediately opened, seeing Sweetie.

"I know, I look horrible," Sweetie said. She wasn't groomed at all; not like she cared now.

"Come inside," Everest said. "Valerie! Your mum is here." 

Beyond the homeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin