Happy Birthday?

10 1 0

October 1 1959 4:38pm

The past few school days were nothing new but today is my birthday and I'm now 15 "can't believe I made it this far..." I mumble to myself as I lay in bed. I wasn't having a birthday party since both my parents work a lot but they both got me presents and my Nana sent be a birthday card with $40 in it, so now it was just me my dog Axel and a bunch of presents. I get up from my bed and grab the birthday card and take out $20 from it, there was a gas station not to far from where I lived so my plan was to go grab some snacks and at the same time give Axel a walk the plan seemed to be a good one so I put on my shoes and put the $20 in my pocket, I go down the stairs and grab Axels collar from beside the front door and Axel runs up to me and I put the collar around his neck and we head out the front door.


We were walking for a while and we finally made it to the gas station I bring Axel in with me since you were allowed to and I start looking around for some snacks that's when I see Kaori and I rush over to her. "Hey Kaori" I say with a cheerful smile she takes her attention off of the bad of chips she was looking and looked down at me, she was taller than me and I thought it was cool "Oh hey Oliver and Axel" she says and crouches down to pet Axel. She stands up smiling and we both pay for our snacks and head out, she doesn't live too far from me so we walk together before we have to split up. "Hey uh...are you planning on going out Halloween night?" she says her smile faded and her tone sounding serious, the air starting to feel cooler "Yeah I was gonna go trick-or-treating...why?" I look over to her I tried figuring out what she was feeling by her face expression but it was hard to tell. "don't." she says clutching her bug in her hand "Pardon? what do you mean don't-" "Its not safe- Sam and Akita are planning on hurting you like really bad" she says. Unlike everyone else Kaori knows that Sam and Akita are very mean, they both used to bully her for her two different colored eyes until one day Kaori beat up Sam and they stopped bullying her. "wait- how do you know this?" I ask "The whole school knows...Akita told everyone that you threatened her and that her and Sam are going to teach you a lesson" Kaori responds as we stop at the cross walk. "We can talk more about this tomorrow have a good night Oliver" she says as she waves me goodbye and crosses the street.


I finally make it home and I run up stairs to my room and start crying thinking about what Kaori then suddenly I got an idea...what if I killed them before they could get to me? no nono that is a very stupid idea I'd go to jail. Within minutes it was just me mumbling to myself about the possibilities and the pros and cons if I murdered them.

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