Going to jail

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PKokopuffs: Bro Muzan HOW TF DID YOU GET IN JAIL?!?!

Muzan: I'm sorry🥲 

Daki: Bro did master just-

Gyutaro: whose in jail

Iguro: I can bail you out bestie😉

Giyuu: me to💅

Akaza: me three😝

Muzan: perioddddtttttt get me out of here

Iguro: omw rn👍

Akaza: I'm coming to girl come pick me up😭

Giyu: im with akaza rn and I'm coming

Nez: I love their friendship!

Daki: me to it's so cute 

Kokopuffs: their like the friend group off of mean girls

Kokopuffs: also muzan you better pray that your little "slander squad" get there before I do because I'm already a block away from it

Muzan: y'all girlie poohs y'all need to hurryyyyyyy😭💅

Iguro: akaza just jumped out and started running ahead of us😂

Giyu: ima run to it's faster

Iguro: alright then ima run to

Kokopuffs: Just saw akaza jumping from roof to roof trying to reach the police station first

Iguro: I'm right behind Giyu rn

Giyu: I see akaza he's a few feet away from me

Akaza: me and koku arrived at the same time

Kokupuffs: where are you??

Akaza: I'm breaking in rn

Kokupuffs: wait what-

Giyu: me and iguro are here

Muzan: akazaaaaaa I'm right next to the cell you were just at

Kokupuffs: this dumbass hashira trying to distract m-

Iguro: I threw his phone

Muzan: tell koku I said that if he touches you then8m breaking up with him

Iguro: I told him, he stomped off angrily and grabbed his phone 

Muzan: anddddddd I'm out

Iguro: You are!?

Muzan: yep thanks girlies for busting me out

Iguro: you welcome girlie pooooooo💅😝😝

Giyu: bitc- 

Giyu: what did you do?!

Iguro: bitch I had to distract UPPERMOON 1

Akaza: y'all just stop fighting it's cool we all helped in our own way

Muzan: mhm

Kokupuffs: hi muzan

Muzan: yep gotta g- hgfudtyehtfhjvhjcghdfyxfycjgfhj

Kokupuffs: he's experiencing technical difficulties🤗🤗

Akaza: I just watched kokushibo kidnap my besti-hfuhfytdyztc


Giyu: ima just go with my boyfriend instead of getting kidnapped 

Giyu: bye

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Shinobu: you have exactly 5 seconds to come before mitsuri and me come to get you☺️

Iguro: -//////- coming

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Kaigaku: coming to your room gyu^^

Gyutaro: k

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Daki: Nez let's meet up

Nez: okay :D

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