chapter two

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I wipe a drop of water off my shoulder as Mikael returns to the room. I dislike rain. It reminds me of that dream and always leaves me gloomy.

"Saya? Is something bothering you? You seem distracted."
"It's nothing... My iron levels are too low. Please don't bother me this early in the morning."

I lied. Well, half lied. I do have an iron deficiency. A vampire with an iron deficiency, how great.

"Okay, sorry. Well, we better leave soon if we want to make it in time for breakfast."

That's another thing I dislike at this institution. Back at the mansion, I used to have breakfast served to my bedside. Now, I either have to eat at the university cafeteria or buy food. Call me a noble snob, but it is just something I won't get used to. I can't wait to graduate.

"Saya, if you're not feeling well I can go out and get you breakfast."

I get more annoyed at the fact that I have to share a room and with Mikael of all people. He is so obnoxious.

"Just leave me alone..."
I don't know if Mikael is a typical busybody or if he genuinely worries for others because he is always butting in on my issues. It annoys me.

Maybe I should give it time to get used to having someone around or maybe I should just give him an order to stop caring for me. It is then when i remember yesterday's incident.

During our contract ceremony, Mikael was already able to use his safe word meaning my order didn't work.

"I am not worried about breakfast, so do as I say. You are okay with that, right? Technically, you have no right to refuse as my Sub."
"Of course."

He gives me a meek smile. First, I order him to sit on the bed.

"Plebeian, change my shoes."
He says and does nothing. I lift out my leg towards him.

"As you wish, my Saya."
He flashes me his usual smile and continues out his order.
"Don't say my name so naturally."
"Sorry. Would you prefer me calling you master?"
"Don't be silly. That is creepy."

He laughs and rubs my head when finished with his order. "Don't touch my hair."
"Ah, sorry... Are you not going to pet my head? I deserve a reward for completing my order, do I not?"

That is true. A Sub must be rewarded by their Dom. It may either be by physical touch in which petting their head is the easiest way, praises or through drinking their Doms blood.

I guess I should reward him, but wait. "If you really want it then bow down before me."
"Of course. Please Saya."

What?! I planned to humiliate him but here he is willingly obeying me. Ugh, whatever. I gently stroke his black locks a few times.
"Well done."

Mikael then takes my hand in his and kisses the back showing his gratitude. Perplexed, I ask, "What are you doing?"

"This is a sign of my loyalty."

Mikael is different from the other Subs. The rest are just a fanclub of nobles and even commoners after my bloodline and money. In a way I'd say it sucks to be nobility.

I stare at Mikael. "Don't you need my blood too?"
"As much as I'd love to, I can't. We are going to be late and I want to take my time drinking your blood. I will just take more next time."

He is so strange. "Let's go."

● ○ ●

Upon entering the hallways, the atmosphere has completely changed from yesterday. Everyone is partnered up, either holding hands to openly kissing.

Ah yes, this must be due to the contract ceremony last night.
"Why would they be so clingy?"

"Maybe it's because they just formed their contracts so they fear abandonment."

Mikael is right. These are after all temporary contracts, meaning you are still able to scout for better partners.

"Saya, would you like me to walk you to class?"
"I just want to make sure you're safe from your fanclub."
"You're being just as annoying as they are. We are only in a temporary contract, therefore you need not worry about me."

Honestly, Mikael cares too much for me. It's not all that bad, but it's as if we've known each other for years. I dislike it.

"Saya... would you be happy after our three month contract ended?"
"Yes. As you said, it is only three months. Even if I wanted, you and I would never work out as you are a mere commoner and I a noble. You know the laws."

Mikael looks depressed. An expression I've never seen on him in the past few days. Maybe I was too brutal. Noticing me staring he quickly puts on a fake smile.

"I'll stay out of your way during the day but please allow me to pick you up after class. We can walk back to our dorm together.

"Do whatever you want." We live together, why would he want to walk me home. Maybe it's his Sub traits acting up. Oh well.

"See you later." I turn around and leave, not bothering to see Mikael off.

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