chapter four

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~continuation of time jump~

(Mikael's POV)
It's the second day and I still haven't found a partner. Great, now I have to be stuck with a vampire I haven't the slightest thing about. At times like this I wish I was a noble Dom. Then I'll be able to find myself a worthy partner easily.

I lazily get out of bed. 7:45. I should hurry, the principal is having an assembly in fifteen minutes.

● ○ ●

"It is a must to partake in Interactions with your partner on a daily basis. Else they will enter a starved state in which..."

I am unable to focus on what Head Master Damon is saying as I'm too busy looking around. Almost everyone is seated next to their partners, save for a few lost souls like myself, partner-less.

Gosh. None look inviting.

"Mikael, it's unlike you to not pay attention."
Katherine whispers next to me.

"I'm trying to find a partner before the lottery. This is my last chance to get someone decent." I whisper back.

"You will learn more about these Interactions in your formal classes. Right students, those who have partners may proceed to your dorms and reflect on what I said. Those who do not have partners, follow me." Head Master Damon leaves the podium and quietly exits the main hall.

He is a Dom and his family are one of the highest ranking nobles. They are different from other nobles. Money and status is of no importance to them, hence why he opened a university for both nobility and commoners. Going against the laws. The best institution in the country if I must add. No one dares to question his actions.

Katherine and I get up and follow him to a smaller classroom.

Inside the room are seven vampires who don't have partners. An uneven number. How would the lottery work now then? The university always ensures that an even amount of students are enrolled to avoid complications like this.

The door suddenly opens and in she strolls. Strange. I thought she'd have found herself a partner by now.
"Sorry I'm late. I had to deal with a few last minute peasants."

"Not to worry. Welcome, Saya. You made it in time, we haven't started yet." Headmaster Damon motions for her to take a seat.

Saya. It's a beautiful name.

"Shall we get to it. The lottery system is simple. Names will be chosen at random. The name chosen for you will be the person you will form your temporary blood contract with for three months. You are not allowed to change partners in these three months nor neglect your partner."

Wow. What if I'm stuck with a snob for three months.

"Learn as much as you can about each other as you may enter permanent contracts with each other at a later stage. Now, let us choose."

Head Master Damon draws the first pair of names. "Katherine, you are with... Kaine."

Katherine looks at me nervously. I give her a thumbs up signaling everything will be fine. I look over to Kaine. He looks decent enough. Blonde hair, tall and muscular. He'll be able to protect Katherine if I'm not there.

"Next we have Saya, you're with... Mikael."

All eyes are on me, giving me disappointed looks. This is what I meant by male Subs are looked down upon. Especially if my partner is a female Dom.

I look over at Saya and she has an unbothered look on her face.


● ○ ●

~blood contract ceremony~

(Saya's POV)
I look over at Mikael unpacking the last of our belongings. I would've unpacked my own things myself but he insisted. Besides, I enjoy being treated like a queen every now and then.

He is actually quite handsome. I can give him that. His raven hair cover his eyes as he catches me staring. I maintain my gaze to not make it obvious.

"Shall we begin?"
"Yes, I'm all done."

We are sitting on the bed, crossed legs and facing each other. "I'll go first."
I grab hold of his hand. "I, Saya, enter a temporary blood contract with Mikael, for three months."

My fangs protrude and I bite his wrist. Two small drops of blood appear. He shudders a bit then takes my hand in his.

"I, Mikael, enter a temporary blood contract with Saya, for three months." He bites, my wrist. He mixes our blood by rubbing our wrists together.

I feel a wave of energy flow through me. On my wrist appears my Safe Word. I look over at Mikael and he is also looking at his own wrist. Our Safe Words are words we use when doing Interactions. A Sub may refuse an order by using their Safe Word and a Dom uses their Safe Word to give an order. Hence why it is important to remember it.

"Can you lie down?" He nervously asks.
"I'd prefer doing this sitting up." I honestly just want to get this ceremony over and done with. "I'll start."

I crawl over to Mikael and spread open his collar, readying myself to drink his blood. This is the final step in completing our contract.

I lean closer, hesitant. Tsk, just do it. I bite into his tan skin and drink his blood. This actually tastes good. When I'm done, I lick his pierced skin and he shudders again. My contract seal appears in his neck, a crescent moon surrounded by pretty pink flowers, automatically healing the punctured holes.

I am suddenly pushed back on the bed. Mikael grabs hold of my leg, slightly lifting up my dress.

"Just what in the creaking caskets are you doing?!" I try to shake him off but me being small and frail comes to a disadvantage of being a female Dom. Even though he is my Sub, his build is bigger and stronger than mine.

"Please don't overthink, my Saya. I am merely drinking blood from the sweetest spot. Or so I've heard it to be." He says touching just above my knee.

He bites down. I on the other hand bite my my lip to stop myself from making any weird sounds.

He licks my punctured leg and his contract seal appears, a blue full moon amongst the clouds on a starry night, healing my wounds. "There, it is well hidden in case you didn't want others to see."

"Silly, I want those peasants to see so they can leave me alone!" He smiles fondly. That angers me even more. Maybe I should give him an order to see if the ceremony actually worked.

"Plebeian, tell me about yourself." I use my Safe Word (Plebeian) to give him an order. I want to learn his history in case I need leverage over him.

whose your favourite so far? Mikael or Saya?

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