chapter ten

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(Saya's POV)
Mikael and I leave the classroom, making our way back to the dorm. My fanclub immediately back away once Mikael makes himself present.

"You know, one would think they'd give up by now." Mikael says as he carries my bag for me.

"Trust me, as much as they despise you being with me, they are somehow afraid of you."

"As it should be." Mikael says with a smirk on his face.

A comfortable silence falls upon us until we reach our room. Once inside, I sit on the edge of my bed watching as Mikael goes to take out our afternoon clothes. Again, I'll have to compliment him on his looks. I shake my head. That's not what I should be thinking about at the moment.

"Did you choose me as your contract partner?" I get straight to the point. Mikael stops searching for clothes and looks up at me. Shock evident on his handsome face.

"Why do you ask?"

"I overheard your conversation with Damon."

"Haha, has your mother never taught you that it's rude to eavesdrop?" he chuckles.

"You were speaking in an open area, anyone could have heard you. If you didn't want that, then you should have chosen somewhere more private." I snap at him.

"It's fine. I was going to tell you sooner or later." His smile falters and a serious expression replaces it as he walks over and sits next to me on the bed.

"I'll admit, the lottery was rigged, but... I only did it because I really wanted to be with you. I'm sincerely sorry for going behind your back." he says avoiding eye contact.

Ugh, why does he have to be so sincere. Now I'm finding it hard to scold him. He might think I've gone soft for him. Still, I can't forgive him so easily.

"In the end, you're just the same as my fan club." I say and he snaps his head back up to look at me.

"You think I am the same as them? That's a low blow." Mikael looks really astonished at what I said.

"Well, what's the difference? Did you not form a contract with me based on the same reasons?" I look at him suspiciously.

"Again, I apologise for lying to you. I should have asked you directly, but I knew you would say no."

"Obviously!" Mikael looks hurt by my words.

"You have to believe me that I didn't partner with you for those reasons." he desperately grabs hold of my hands.

"How do you expect me to believe you? From my point of view, you're like any other leech looking to secure their future with my blood."

"Don't you dare group me together with those maggots!" Mikael shouts.

His sudden outburst has me glued to my spot, speechless. The aura emitting from him sends waves of fear through my body. In the corner of my eyes, i see the curtains moving. Did he really do that? No, it must be the wind, but the windows are closed.

His beautiful brown eyes are staring right at my soul. I want to look away, run away, but can't. It's like a rat caught in the glare of a viper.

what the fang?! the viper here should be me!

He speaks in a much gentler voice, as if he didn't just scare me. "Please... don't say such heartless things. Those blood suckers are the scum of the earth. Grouping me with them is too cruel." he gives my hands a gentle squeeze.

Still speechless, he continues. "I do like your beauty, but that is only part of your charm."

Mikael suddenly pulls me in for a hug, hand resting at the back of my neck and our cheeks flush together. "If others can't see you for who you are, they don't deserve you. You're exceptionally smart, kind, loving, just... perfect."

That was enough to snap me out of my state. I push him away from me. "Why... why are you acting so strange?"

"Strange?" he asks. "Is it strange to cherish someone the way I cherish you?"

"Are you trying to say you have feelings for me?" I'm back to being shocked. I notice Mikael blush and he averts his gaze. Nodding in agreement.

"Saya, would you believe me if I told you that's why I wanted to form a contract with you? I adore you more than anything and anyone else in this world." I feel his thumb graze over my knuckles.

"Don't joke around like that." I don't like where this is going.

"I'm serious. You know I'm not the jokey type."

He lifts my hand up to his lips and places a gentle kiss on it, staring right in my eyes as he does so. I'm baffled by both of our sudden change of character. Mikael is being strangely open and honest while I on the other is calm and... submissive?

Tsk, come on, I have to pull myself together.

"I won't ask you to return my feelings or to be in a relationship. I am not expecting anything from you now,  Saya. Though, one day in the near future I hope that can change."

"But we've only just met, how can you already be certain of your feelings towards me?" I ask.

Mikael looks deep in thought then regrettably releases my hands. "There is a reason I love you."

"What is it?" I ask almost immediately.

"I'm not telling." his persona back to normal.

"Huh!? Why?"

"Because, you're always mean to me. So, until you start acting nicer to me, I'll tell you."

"I think you are forgetting your place here. I am the Dom, a noble one at that. I say jump and you ask how high, simple." I say, releasing a threatening aura.

Mikael disregards my statement and doesn't even look fazed by my aura, "Just remember Saya, my love for you is true. I can take any insult you give me, but please, don't ever doubt my feelings for you."

He gives me a closed eye smile and quickly says in a whisper, "If you do, you'll get punished." He boops my nose before going back to get our clothes.

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