Meeting of hearts.

149 13 7

Jeongguk layed distressed upon the imbrued crumpled leaves.

He grunts,a little as he looks at the gruesome corpses of that rogues dispersed a few meter away from him.

He had a relief that he is the one to slaughter each one of them.

His omega though reached the safe confines of his residency,however his heart feels as if he is still in anguish.

Jeongguk let out a shriek of agony,as he hears the faint whimpers of his beloved still resonating in the cruel wafts of beeze.

The crack of the dawn only stretched their separation more gruesome for him.

His seokjin needs him,he can hear that well,whilst he was impotent to stood from where he layed,soul dying to reach him in vain.

He breathes slow,as if perishing in the pain of his omega that he feels altogether with him.

Abruptly nearing hushed voices of men were picked by his ears,therefore he cracked open his weary eyes to see the armoured soldiers standing around him.

"Investigate the dead!"

A voice of authority ordered the other comrades.

The gleaming rays of sun,piercing his gaze however his body remain intact. His beating heart diminishing all the consequences of the sunburst on his skin.

"The left wing must leave to search for the assassin,move fast troops!"

"As your order,general!"

He heard the soldiers marching to hunt down the slayer.

"Detain the filthy one,wu hai!"

Jeongguk could comprehend that the humiliating defamation was directed towards him.

He looked as the loathing remains were being inspected by some of remaining soldiers,and a man was approaching him with wrath in his eyes.

He analysed him from afar,might be  sensing his even breathing pattern.

"It appears he is depleted of his strength,albeit unconscious,general."

He stated,all the while crouching in front of him,and jeongguk caught sight of the familiar crimson cloth hanging around his sword kept inside the sheath.

"Seokjin... " His trembling voice trailed off,remembering the regal scarlet robes on seokjin when they just met for the first time.

Omega despise that shade whilst he has quite a liking towards such colors.

The soldier appeared wary as his frown deepened,his hand moved vigilantly towards him.

He might had heard the name of their prince being slurred by him in frenzy of remembering the little memories.

"What you dare to utter just now,you filth!"

The man asked,kicking his tired body as if trying to check the life in his limbs.

Jeongguk unconsciously growls in answer,cautioning the soldier of his cognitive state of condition.

The guard stood up hastily,taking his sword in his hands in alert.

"General Paik,this thing is still conscious!"
He roared towards the direction of his companion soldiers.

Soon Jeongguk was surrounded by the entire troops of elite praetorians.

Their sheathing eyes probed his jaded body with clear intent to find weaponries or bayonets of any sort.

There was nothing on him.

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