Chapter 12: Realization

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Freddrick Gideon Weasley and Georgios Fabian Weasley were twins by birth and pranksters but professional. They spent most of their time coming up with new and fun ways to spend their days. Tricks and spells came quickly to the twins. Charms, Transfiguration, and Potions were easy for them. While it always surprised their mum, the twins passed their classes, never getting below Exceeds Expectations.

Fred and George learned early on that impressing Molly Weasley were not doable. Their enjoyment of tricks and jokes, she found them impractical and wasteful. It was sad at first, the disappointed looks, and then painful as the head wallops came as they got older. Bill and Charlie had run off and escaped their mum's shrieks of behaving better. Not that they had any problem with it, Bill was head boy, and Charlie was captain of the quidditch team. However, the moment they got a minute of freedom, they left, getting jobs that would lead them away from the burrow and away from their mum's wrath.

The twins hid from their mum while they were at the burrow. Staying cooped in their rooms, working on new material. Coming out whenever they were called down for meals. That was generally when their father was home, and everything was relatively peaceful. The twins loved their dad. He was just unattentive. He spent the time he didn't at the ministry in his shed working on muggle things. He was obsessed with them, really. Their dad had ignored promotions and potential raises just to be able to stay playing with his muggle artifacts. Arthur would come in, say good morning, eat, then run off to 'piddle' in the shed.

Fred and George remembered they had picked Harry up in the car that night. Only the twins had gotten in trouble, made to pick the weeds out of the garden all day. What fed the twins up was that their mother didn't seem to care when they said Harry was being abused, starved, or had bars on his windows. Harm of any kind being done to a wizarding child was uncalled for.

In the great times of Merlin, if a muggle was to harm a magical child, said muggle would be killed. Grindelwald prioritized securing that all muggles who abused magical children were punished. That all ended when Dumbledore came to power, stating that muggles were not to fear. Child abuse in the muggle world was unheard of. However, the twins knew it was just kept under wraps.

Unlike most of their family, the twins did not trust Albus Dumbledore. It was apparent that their mum fancied him. It was something they constantly heard about, the good and joys that Dumbledore had done for the wizarding world. The twins felt like it was a crock of shit.

"So Bill has already taken over?" Fred mused as he read over their oldest brother's letter regarding his decision.

"Looks like it, Freddy," George stated, a smirk growing on his face as he read over the details. "We're going to have to do our part."

Fred's smirk few to match his twins. Neither twin cared for pureblood politics or social views. They both just lived by their own rules. They managed more about one's character than their blood. However, they could understand the need. Muggles were not safe. They knew that. Many of the muggle children had let it slip that their home lives were scary, as many viewed them as evil. While they did not understand the 'man in the sky,' it seemed to be a big reason the children did not want to go home during holidays.

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