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Yohan and Haru have Physical Education again. Haru was talking to Kheil and Trish, trying to take his mind off of what happened last night.

Yohan was looking at him from the fence, admiring his adorable features. His train of thought is broken by the teacher's voice.

"Alright kiddos, 500 meter sprint today."

The class groans.

"Ok, so, the boys will go first."

All the boys lined up next to each other. Yohan finds his way to Haru.

Yohan greets Haru with a smile, "Good morning, how are you doing?"

Haru says, annoyed, "I'm fine. Thanks."

The teacher had started the boys. Kheil and Haru started jogging together.

"Hey Haru? Wanna race?" Kheil asks.

Haru was up for a challenge, so he said, "Yeah, sure!" Then immediately, he starts to sprint past Kheil. Kheil tries to keep up with him, but he is not able to catch up with Haru.

"H-Hey! Wait for me!"

Haru passes Yohan and another one of his classmates, Xian.

He chuckles. "What are you guys? Snails?" Haru remarked.

"Why the heck is he so energetic?" Xian asks Yohan, "It is nine in the morning."

At this point, Kheil has picked up his pace. Haru passes 3 more of his classmates, and Kheil is on his tail.

Kheil then yells, "Haru! Slow down a bit!"

Haru reaches the end of the 500 meters first, followed by Kheil.

"Good job boys," the teacher says.

Both of the boys are panting and drenched in sweat.

Kheil says, exhausted, "Damn, I regret racing with you."

Haru starts to joke around with Kheil, "Now you know that you're no match for me!" He then pushes Kheil, and demands, "Get us some water."

"Why do I have to get it?" Kheil says, annoyed.

"I'm beat, I can't move my legs."

"Alright, alright, I'll be back."

"Hurry up, I'm dying of thirst here!"

While Kheil is getting their water, one of their classmates walks up to Haru with a water bottle.

At this point, most of the boys had finished.

He greets Haru, "Hey Haru!"

Haru stands up and turns around.

"I have water," his classmate says, "You can have it."

Haru is delighted, "Really? Thanks, man."

He passes him the water bottle and Haru chugs half of the bottle.

His classmate reaches for Haru's hair and replies, "Nah, no problem!"

"Don't touch my hair, you shit!" he shouts.

"But it's so fluffy!"

Yohan had been watching from farther away. He had seen the interaction with Haru and his classmate. And he was pissed at the obvious flirting that he had been doing with Haru.

He stared at the boy flirting with Haru, with his glasses tipped on the edge of his nose. His brows furrowed and his stare was cold and sharp. He tightened his lips and jaw as well as clenching the water bottle in his fist, resulting in water droplets getting onto his hand.

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