Chapter 42

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Vijay's pov :

I finally reached the destination where uncle and Abhi were captured. It was an abondoned milk factory which was quite far away from the town.

There were two bodyguards with me and I hope they were enough to rescue them. We decided to sneak through the basement and it seemed like a good idea.

That's when my phone started vibrating in my pocket which was in silent. I looked at the caller ID which read Ashton. I was pretty sure it was about Diya. I picked it up immediately and reached it to my ears.

"Sir, Mam has been kidnapped.", He said and it felt like someone placed a stone in my heart.

"Track her immediately.", I said.

"Her necklace was ripped off where there was a tracker. I'm sure the kidnapper did this and it should be someone who knew too much about your family.", He said and it made me think.

All of sudden, we heard a clapping sound from behind and we turned back to see Mohammad.

"Good try but you shouldn't have left your wife and sister-in-law alone. Now they're in my custody. The whole family is in my custody and I will make sure to destroy them until they turn into ashes.", He said with a smirk.

"You're doing wrong. No one does it for revenge. I don't think this revenge will give you happiness because I've seen many people like you.", I said and he just scoffed and did nothing else.

He turned back to his men.

"Just order our men to kill those two girls.", He ordered a guy and it made my heart churn.

"Wait, let's talk please.", I requested and he seemed like he enjoys my pleading.

"Okay, so tell me what should I do."

"Please stop this. I don't want any of them hurt. I promise, whatever you're angry at, I will make it up to you. I'll try to bring everything right.", I said and he burst in a fit of laughter.

"Make it up to me. Tell me, young man, can you bring my dead sister back alive.", He said and I was shocked for a moment. Sister? Dead? I remember uncle mentioning about his sister. Her name was Veena or something.

Seeing his anger, I was pretty sure uncle has to do something with her death and that is why he's dying to get revenge.

"I will do one thing. I will leave Karthik alive and kill all the remaining three then he will know how loneliness hurts. He will know all my pain. It will give me satisfaction, right."

"I swear, if something happens to my wife, I will destroy you until you're buried deep inside the ground. And I'm not kidding.."

"Oh, so you're threatening me? You know how influential I am?", He asked and this time, I was the one to scoff.

"You don't know how influential I am. If there's a small scratch on her, I will make you vanish from this world in a way that no one can find your dead body. And, since I'm more influential than you, I won't be charged with any cases. It's just that I'm not using it against anyone and it doesn't mean I will not if my wife is at stake."

I saw a small frown in his face as I finished.

"I know many politicians who can help me."

"I will snatch them to my side if I give them more money. That's what politicians are.. you're believing them and it's going to go in vain.", I said and it was somehow true. Politicians cannot be trusted at all..

"I see how much you love your woman but never thought you'd give up all your morals and go to the extend of killing me. Anyway, try me.", He challenged and I smirked.

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