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"Need a ride?" a soft voice spoke as Roshyn looked over to see Remus sitting on a carriage alone.

"Yes." Roshyn walked towards the carriage and put her satchel on it. Remus stood up and extended his hand, which Roshyn gladly accepted and Remus pulled her up on the carriage.
"Thank you," the brunette smiled.

"Anytime." Remus tried to stay calm but he was looking gloom and shivering a bit.

"Are you okay?" Roshyn put her hand on his shoulder.

"Yea.. yeah, I am fine." Remus looked at her hand pressed his lips in a smile.

Roshyn looked over at the other carriages as they reached the Castle door soon after.

Remus jumped off the carriage and again put his hand forward for Roshyn and helped her to get down.

"You really are a gentleman, Mr. Lupin."

"I will take that as a compliment, Miss Kleara."

"As you should."
Roshyn chuckled and Remus once again forgot about his surroundings. He just looked at the brunette and noticed how her nose scrunched up when she smiles, how her eyes twinkle in the warm evening light. Sje was always surrounded by a fragrance of sweet applewood and honey. His train of thoughts came to a stop as Roshyn waved her hand in front of his eyes.

"Remus, you here..."

"Oh uh.. yeah.. I zoned out."

"I can see that."

"I didnt know you were friends with half-bloods as well," the annoying voice of Damon made Roshyn to look over at the ravenclaw and glare at him.

"If you didnt notice, I am a half-blood as well," Roshyn said and grabbed Remus' hand and walked inside the castle.

Remus didnt spoke; he just saw how Roshyn spoke when Damon was trying to get in the way with his arrogant ass and how she held his hand. His hands, now smelt like honey. Her dainty hands felt good on his skin. He liked the touch, her touch, but he didnt want the feelings to fly high. He knew, once Roshyn knew about his problem, she may not even be friends with him and he didnt want to ruin the friendship, at least.

Once they reached inside, Roshyn let go off Remus' hand and looked at him.

"Sorry about that asshole. Dont mind him," Roshyn spoke softly.

"Its okay. I didnt mind."

"Okay then. I have to go and unpack the stuffs. See you at dinner."

"See you." Remus said and watched as the brunette ran towards the common room while hitting herself with a pilar and then kicking it in response. Remus couldn't stop but chuckle at her.

Walking inside the common room, covered in red and gold curtains, Roshyn inhaled deeply and saw most of the students looking at her.

"Hello everyone," she smiled.

"Hi Roshyn!" a fifth year greeted as some of the others waved at her.

"When are the new editions coming?"

"Did you get the new copy of Carrie and The Exorcist?"

"Hey, Do you have comic books?"

"Do you also sell uh erotic books as well?"

The so on.... The new year didn't start yet, the brunette didnt went to her dorm yet, but she was already bombarded with questions. She in all honesty loved this feeling.

"Okay okay. Let me speak," Roshyn cleared her throat. "First the new editions will coming in the next week. Second those two books will be here too. Many new books will be there, so dont worry."

"What about comic books?" a second year asked.

"You little shit, let her finish," a seventh year scolded.

"Its okay, Alex. Don't scare the little one. Yes, I have a huge collection of comic books. You can choose. And about erotic books.... yes I sell those too." Roshyn stated.
"Now can I go back to my dorm? Sellings would start from next week."

"Will we get discounts?"

"50% off. Only for gryffindors." the brunette said as the students grinned and thanked her.

Roshyn smiled warmly at them and at a blink she ran up to her dorm and kicked the door to get in. She panted a bit as she closed the door.

"What took you so long?" Marlene asked as she sat up from her bed.

"Customers service," Roshyn sighed and dragged her trunk and kept it on her bed. "Where is Alice?"

"Alice is in the bathroom."

Roshyn made an 'oh' and started unpacking her stuffs. By an hour she sorted her things in the dresser beside her bed, put her trunk under her bed. The brunette kept her new roll of parchment on her table along with new quills and ink.

After setting up her bed, she started to get ready for dinner as Marlene was doing her hair, Alice lazily sitting on her bed and Lily, being Lily was reading a book.

"Arent you guys hungry?" Roshyn spoke, combing her hair.

"I am famished really."

"You all dont look like that."

"Anyways. Let's go before we dont get seats."

Roshyn entered the great hall with her three friends and instantly spotted a long raven-haired boy waving at her.

"Lets sit with the boys," Roshyn pulled Alice as the other two almost sat with them.

Roshyn sat between Marlene and Alice, across Sirius and Remus, who smiled at the brunette. Dumbledore started his usual welcome speech, which Roshyn didnt intend to hear. Her only important thing to know where she will set up her shop this year.

"How is my favourite gryffindor doing?" Sirius wiggled his eyebrows at Roshyn.

"Well well, I thought Marlene was your favourite gryffindor. But I am doing good," Roshyn smirked as Marlene choked on her water.

"In a mood to play, are we?"

"I am just in a mood to have dinner, go back to my dorm and sleep."

"Padfoot, let her have some peace," Remus patted the black haired back.

"And Miss Kleara would set up her shop in the room beside the library," Dumbledore said as the students clapped. "Now let the feast begin."

Roshyn grabbed her plate and filled it with some mashed potatoes and roasted beef. She concentrated on eating but could feel a pair of eyes burning holes in her back.

"Just enjoy your dinner, Jonas!" Roshyn glared at boy whose darks eyes darkened even more, turning around and then again started to eat.

"Whats up with him?" James looked at the brunette.

"Nothing as much."

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