setting up the shop

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Remus entered the empty room beside the library, following Roshyn. The girl inhaled deeply and with a swish of her wand ten trunks arrived in the room. Remus' eyes widen as the girl chuckled in his direction.

"There are still many trunks left," the brunette witch said as Remus traced the bindings of the books.

"Shall we stack them up?" Remus asked in a quiet voice.

"We shall."

Remus brought the ladder from the corner of the room, in which Roshyn climbed up to stack the books in the upper shelves. She wanted to set up the library without magic as when business will start, she will have to use magic to get the books down, but now she wanted to do in a slow pace.

Remus stood under the ladder. Piles of books in his hand, alphabetically as she took them from him and tucked in the shelves.
The brown haired boy handed her another pile as she tucked them inside the shelves.

"You like Pournelle?" Roshyn asked as she came down the ladder and sat on the floor.
Remus followed her and took a seat beside her.

"Yeah, why."

"Cause I have something to show you," Roshyn beamed as she opened a package that had a label on top, saying 'best of the bests.' She rummaged through the package and took out two books and kept them on her lap for Remus to see.

"Merlin's beard! You have The Mercenary and Inferno?" Remus exclaimed.

"Yes. They are the newest editions and hence best of the bests."

"This is amazing. I have been wanting to read The Mercenary for a long time."

"Then, you keep this one," Roshyn smiled.

"No," Remus sighed. "I will buy next week when the shop opens."

"Remus, take it as a gift. For helping me in setting up. And also for the upcoming two essays."

"Roshyn, I really cant-"

"You can. Its your's," Roshyn pushed the book in his hands as he smiled at her.

"Thank you. But from next time, I will buy."

"As you wish," Roshyn chuckled.
"Now help me in setting up the rest."

Roshyn took a pile of romance novels as she put them in the respective shelf as Remus' eyes scanned over the books wrapped in a red lace. He removed the laces as his eyes widen.

"You uh. . . have eroticas as well," Remus coughed, his ears and tip of the nose became red and warmed up.

"Well, I got customers for those too," she giggled looking at his flustered state.
"You can take a few, if you want."

"No, I'm fine."

"Well, your best friend is my biggest customer for those books."

"Which one?" Remus looked at her.

Roshyn chimed as Remus looked away.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked over at Roshyn. Her wand was being seen that was tucked in her waist belt as she took out the shirt from the skirt's grasp and straightened the crinkles. He looked away as the brunette was busy, styling her uniform.

Remus again looked at her. This summer made her even more prettier. Her eyes glistened like a pool of honey as sunlight fell on them, peaking from outside. She wore her hair short and a butterfly clasp was on it. The blue stones on the clasp glittering. Her nose scrunched up as she rummaged through the comics and fictions.

"Oh look," she spoke causing Remus to turn at her.
"I got these new books."

Remus took the books from her hands and looked at them. His senses dozed as his eyes widened.

"You got books. . . about werewolves?" Remus croaked.

"Yes," Roshyn beamed.
"And it may sound funny but I would love to see one in real."

"Heard they are dangerous creatures. Some say they are monsters."
Remus spoke, his voice slow but in the empty room it sounded deep.

"Whatever they say, Remus. And werewolves aren't born, they are made. I guess, the ones who are made, they had no choice."

"Or maybe they are made to take a revenge," Remus mumbled.

"Maybe," Roshyn repeated. "But you do check this books out. I think you will like them."

"I guess, I am starting to like werewolves," he chuckled dryly.

Roshyn looked at him for a moment and then started to stack up all the books. After about an hour, they were done. Remus, with a swish of his wand discarded the empty boxes as the girl fixed her uniform.

It was lunch time and the duo walked towards the great hall. As they were about to enter Roshyn bumped with a tall pillar causing her to stumble back and fall but she was saved by Remus who hold her by her shoulders.

"Thank you," Roshyn smiled.

"Be a little careful."

"I will try."

They walked to the table and Roshyn sat down beside Alice as Remus joined the marauders. She looked over at Remus but he was busy talking with his friends. She filled up her plate and poked the potatoes with a fork as she heard the four boys laughing. She stuffed her mouth and looked at them.

Remus was stuffing his mouth with the pudding and laughing in between as both Sirius and James stuck out two pieces of potato wedges from the corners of their mouths while Peter was trying to copy them but failed.

"Idiots," Lily muttered, eyeing James.

"Not all of them are idiots," Roshyn shoved another spoon in her mouth.

"Which one isn't?" Lily asked.

"Sirius!" Marlene exclaimed

"Remus is good," Roshyn whispered.

"Remus? Yes, Remus!" Alice nudged the brunette while Lily and Marlene smirked.

"What, guys? No! We are just good friends," Roshyn reasoned.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"Roshyn, if you're done, can we go to library now?" Roshyn turned to see Remus.

"Now?" Roshyn asked.

"Well, we got two essays to complete."

"Okay. You go. I'm coming in a minute."

"I will be waiting," Remus left as the girl turned to face her friends.

"First day of the term and already a study date?" Marlene smirked.

"I suck at potions," Roshyn grumbled shoving the last scoop of pudding in.

"Guys, I will see you in the common room," Roshyn said, getting up from her seat and grabbing her satchel.

"Hurry now," Alice ushered the brunette.
"Remus is waiting."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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