Chapter 6

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An hour before dinner, a beautiful white silk dress and a bouquet of white roses are delivered. They are brought to Emilie's room, who is overwhelmed with surprises. She finds in the roses a card written by Theodore to apologize once again. Émilie puts on the dress and looks at herself in the mirror and wonders if she is not dreaming. At nine o'clock in the evening, she goes to the majestic dining room. Theodore makes her sit at the table near him. He asks her how she feels now. She admits that she is much better but that she is worried about poor Marie. Vincent tells her that he called the hospital and learned that her condition is now stable. He says it looks like the young lady is in love. Then he looks at her mysteriously and quotes Shakespeare: "The course of true love never did run smooth"  ". Émilie feels that the more she looks at his big black eyes, the more she feels she is in a delicious but disturbing dream. They talk while drinking red wine. At some point she notices that the meat is delicious and asks him why he is not eating but he shows her an almost empty plate. Shortly after, she wonders if dessert was going to be served. Immediately afterwards, she notices that there is a sundae that she does not remember, already started in front of her. She thinks she must be drunk. Vincent suggests that they go out on the terrace to get some fresh air. They sit on the terrace and look at the stars together. The total darkness of the forest brings out thousands of stars in the sky. They kiss. Emilie's head spins and, in Vincent's arms, she feels herself flying with him to that cliff by the sea tormented by the storm. That night, Émilie abandons herself in Vincent's arms and they make love on the baroque sofa in the huge dining room. At a certain moment, she hears a glass breaking and she sees that Vincent is bleeding from the hand. Without releasing his grip on the young woman's body, he brings his bloody fingers to Emilie's mouth, saying: "There is begging in love". Carried away by a strange impulse, Émilie greedily kisses the hand of her bleeding lover and licks his blood.

In the middle of the night, she wakes up confused. She feels like she's suffocating. Vincent, on the other hand, is sleeping, his face is of an angelic serenity. Emilie hastily puts her dress back on and rushes out of the dining room. She goes to her bedroom and she rushes to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. She feels that something inside her has changed. She takes off her dress, examines and feels her face and body in front of the mirror. She suddenly feels a hot breath on her neck and she jumps. Before she can turn around, a huge beast attacks her from behind and sinks its fangs into her neck. Émilie screams and struggles but the beast crushes her to the ground and sucks her blood, growling. Emilie feels huge claws digging into her flesh, the heavy body of the beast crushes hers while its vital forces quickly escape from its body. She loses consciousness.

The sky begins to clear as day approaches and the beast releases its grip on Emilie's inert body to retreat into the darkness. Nadia and Karine, dressed in long black dresses, enter Emilie's room. Nadia bends over her and licks a trickle of blood from her neck wound. then the two women drag her to her bed, throw her on it and cover her with a sheet.

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