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Emilie opens her eyes, feeling extremely weak. Despite the dazzling light attacking her eyes, she manages to make out Theodore in the bedroom, in the middle of a conversation with another man. She tries to speak, but instead of words, only a moan escapes her mouth. Théodore approaches her bed, accompanied by the doctor.

– "How do you feel now, Emilie?"

Émilie responds in a weak voice: "I... I don't know. What happened ?" She feverishly touches her bandaged neck.

Théodore: "You were hurt, Émilie. We found you on the floor of your bathroom, injured in the neck. You were attacked by a dog."

The doctor intervenes: "Don't worry, we have cleaned your wound, but you have to come to the hospital for blood tests and a vaccine".

Émilie is surprised: "How could a dog get in here?"

Theodore: "One of my dogs is blind and can sometimes be aggressive towards strangers who enter the castle. But I don't understand how she could have got in and out without anyone noticing."

At the hospital, another doctor informs Emily that she has lost a lot of blood, but blood tests show no rabies infection. However, she appears to be infected with an unidentified virus. The doctor agrees for her to go home.

Back at the castle, Émilie is delighted to see that Lisa has come to visit her.

– " Lisa! You came?!"

– "Of course, Emilie. I feel guilty for encouraging you to take this job. I will spend the night with you to watch over you and ensure your safety."

Theodore: "That's a great idea, Lisa. Take the next room."

Exhausted and dizzy from the medication, Émilie manages to fall asleep for a few moments, but her sleep is restless. She wakes up several times with a start, the barking of the castle dogs echoing incessantly. Lisa enters the room silently, taking care not to wake her, and sits down on a chair near Emilie's bed. She sees that Émilie is awake so she tries to reassure her.

– "Don't worry, Emilie. I'm here, you can sleep safely. I'm watching over you."

Suddenly, Émilie remembers the beast that attacked her in the bathroom, and her heart begins to beat violently.

– "Lisa, there was a huge creature, a monster... It attacked me. It sucked my blood."

- "What ?! Oh my God, Emily".

Lisa takes Emilie's hand, then looks away before asking her in a low voice:

"Did something happen between you and Théodore, Émilie?"

Émilie, after a moment of hesitation: "Yes, there was something... But what is the link with the attack last night?"

Lisa, avoiding her gaze: "None. Don't worry about that, Emilie. You need to rest and regain your strength. We will find a solution."

For a few days, Lisa continues to watch over Emilie. She takes care of her and even takes care of Valentina for her. Théodore has an alarm system installed in Émilie's room. Although she can walk and talk without much difficulty now, doctors have yet to identify the virus in her blood.

Theodore comes to visit her morning and evening, offering to go on vacation together as soon as she is better. Émilie shares this news with Lisa, but her friend's enthusiasm is far from contagious.

Lisa: "There is something terrifying about this castle, Emily. I'm going to tell you something that may sound crazy, but it's the reality. A beast lives here, a creature that feeds on the blood and flesh of women, and it was it that attacked you."

The Pianist: A Tale Of HorrorWhere stories live. Discover now