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Lylia's POV

My mom and Dad sent me on my University before they go on their work... on our company

"Bye, mom... bye, dad." paalam ko then I kissed their cheeks.

"Bye, honey... have a nice day." my mom uttered

"I love you, honey." my dad said

"I love you both, bye." I said saka na 'ko pumunta kay Les... she's my best friend.


"Lylia! Sissy! Good morning!" bungad n'ya at agad akong niyakap

"Energetic a! Good mood?" I sarcastically said

"Ito kasi may chika ako, you know Harley naman 'di ba?" excited na tanong n'ya

"Oo naman, yung bully at walang modong leader ng THG, s'ya lang naman ang Harley dito sa University, ata?" I irritatedly said

"Whatever kung ano mang tawag mo sa kanya... basta! I heard the news kasi na he's engaged na!" she exclaimed

"Ah, ganon? Congrats sa fiancée n'ya." I coldly said

"You think magbabago s'ya sa magiging fiancée n'ya?" she asked while we're walking.

"Yung gano'ng demonyo este tao? Magbabago? Tss. Imposible! He known as the most bully and brat here... sinong tatagal sa kanya?" I judged... base sa nakikita kong Harley araw-araw na nangbu-bully, nagpapaiyak ng inosenteng tao sa University, wala na s'yang pag-asang magbago... He's so childish gawain ba 'yon ng isang mabuting tao at ng isang 1st year college?

"Sana mapabago ng girl si Harley no?..." Les said "Sayang gwapo pa naman s'ya." she whispered.

"You're both talking about my engagement?" someone asked behind us. Kaya napaharap kami.

"None of your business kung sino man ang topic namin ng best friend ko." pagtataray ko.

"Of course, I have care... lalo na't I heard that you both are talkin' about my engagement." Harley said

I smirked obviously teasing him "If ayan ang pinaglalaban mo, then go... we don't care about your engagement even your life." I said

"Hey, sissy... you should stop na." Lesley whispered... I heard Harley's grinning teeth and his jaw move aggressively then his fist are clenching... obviously naiinis na, tss. Bully s'ya tapos pikon pala! Tf?! 'Di ba?

"I don't want to see your face on tournament." he said, then he bumped my shoulder nang lagpasan n'ya ko, aba! Walang modo talaga!

"Dude-" he cut Vale off

"Tang'na." he said hardly.

"We should go to our class na, Ly." Les said then I just nodded

'I don't want to see your face on tournament'
'I don't want to see your face on tournament'

It repeatedly on my mind while our adviser lecturing... like the fuck, hindi ba? That's unfair! Since high school the title of being 'best female mobile legends player' is nasa akin na... he can't remove that to me just because he's mad to me. He's a demon! Kung ako yung magiging fiancée ng Harley na 'yan hindi ako susulot sa wedding day! Ang sama ng ugali ng Harley na' yon!

"Ms. Chen... are you okay?" our adviser asked.

"Y-yes, Ms. Alice... n-nahihilo lang po." I said, nahihilo at sumasakit ang ulo ko dahil sa Harley na 'to.

"Go to the clinic, then." she said at tumango lang ako, imbes sa clinis pumunta ay sa cr ako dumiretso dahil my mom called me.

"Dinner with who?" I asked

"With Ybañes family, honey... we will send you the address then wear a nice dress, bye." my mom ended the call. 𝑌𝑏𝑎ñ𝑒𝑠? That was so familiar... but, who is that again?

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