Chapter 7 ~ The Final Test

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Your POV

"Tch" Levi said and averted his eyes away from me. "Why... Are you wearing makeup" Levi said.

"People will hesitant to punch me if they find me as a pretty face" I replied and fixed my hair. "Damn" I mumbled and touched my lip which was bleeding.

"Tch, follow me" Levi said and walked away. I clench my fists and follow him to his office.

"Sit" He said and walked to his desk and brought out something.

I sat down and felt my lip which bled nonstop. Levi walk towards me and sat down next to me.

"Tch, stay still" Levi said and took a look at my face. He grabbed a cloth and wiped away the dirt from my hands, then throwing it away.

My eyes widened at his gentleness and my heart began to pound against my chest.

"Tch, you're filthy on your face too" He said then took a handkerchief and wiped my face, cleaning the dirt.

"Y-Yea thanks" I said and removed his hands away from my face. I feel my face heat up.

I try to stand up but quickly winced and sat down.

"What's the hell wrong with you" Levi said with a soft tone. I lifted up my shirt, revealing my stomach. It had a large dark black and blue bruise.

Levi clicked his tongue and grabbed my cloth, putting alcohol on it. I groan and clenched my teeth.

"Are you ok?" Levi asked.

"Wonderful" I said sarcastically and pulled down my shirt. "Thanks" I said and ran my hand through my hair.

"F/n.." Levi said.

I looked up and saw Levi, whose face was coming closer to mines.

'I-Is he going to kiss me?!!' I thought and shut my eyes. I felt his breath on my lips but felt something cool and wet touch my lips.

Levi POV
"F/n.." I said and came closer to her.

F/n's eyes widened and her face became red. I leaned in, our lips millimeters away but I suddenly stopped myself.

'What the hell am I doing...' I thought and pulled away and grabbed another cloth, putting alcohol on it and wiping away the blood off her lip.

F/n opened her eyes and saw what I was doing.

'She's too beautiful... Shit. Snap out of it' I thought and stepped away from her and say at my desk, pretending not to show any interest in her.

"Go back to your dorm cadet L/n" I said with a cold tone.

"Yes sir" F/n saluted and walked out the door.

Your POV
I walked back to my room and grabbed my makeup, putting on the fake scar again.

'Great, he knows my true face now. I have to kill him quick or he'll remember who I am' I thought

'I thought he was going to kiss me....' I sighed.

~Time Skip~

"Today you will showing your skills and strategy for cutting the nape and this will be a race at the same time. This will be the final test to decide who you'll be on which squad" Erwin said.

"You will be separated in groups. Dismiss"

I was in the last group, surrounded by the cadets that were slightly weak but I still let them beat me in a fight. I wasn't going to try, I didn't care if none of the squad leaders chose me. I just needed to be in Scout Regiment member.

After several groups got to go, it was finally my group's turn to go.

"Ready? Set!...." Hanji said and raised a cannon into the air.

Cadets leaned in, ready to run on the starting line as I stood still, waiting.

'Should I try?' I thought and shrugged, feeling lazy.


And a cloud of green smoke went into the air.

Cadets took off running and came after the first titan that was in sight. I shoot my wires in the trees and stood on the branches, watching cadets cutting off the napes.

I took a step off the branch, making me fall. Before I could hit the ground, I shot my wires into a tree branch, making me swing.

I decided to walk all the way to the finish line, letting all of the cadets pass me and going to the finish line.

The finish line was through the forest. As I walked through the forest, I saw that one of the practice Titan nape wasn't cut off, it was hidden behind the trees so many of the cadets didn't see it.

I looked around and saw that nobody was around. I decided to have a little fun, shooting my wires into the nape and coming at a fast speed and using brute force.

I landed on the ground and saw that the cut was so huge, it took up the whole space. Usual only three cuts are the maximum.

I saw that I blunted my swords. With a small chuckle, I placed them back bring holder and continued walking, going to the finish line where my group was waiting for me.

"What took you so long?!" One of the cadets snapped at me.

I shrugged. "I was walking the whole way" I said.

"Attention!" Erwin said, We all saluted.

"Come with me" he said and went back into the forest, with confusion we followed him back into the forest and found the titan that I cut down.

As the cadets saw the huge cut it had and started murmuring amongst themselves.

"We didn't see who did it. Now whoever did it, please tell us" Erwin said. But nobody walked up.

I walked up and the cadets looked at me with surprise in their eyes.

"Was it you, who did it?" Erwin asked.

I smirked. "No, but I saw who did" I said and pointed to a random person in the group. All the cadets clapped for him and gave him high fives. Erwin nodded his head in approvment and we walked back.

We stood in lines, waiting to see which squad we made it on.

"If I call your name, you'll be on my team" Erwin said.

After a few names were called, Hanji said a couple names that she picked for her sqaud. Mike did the same and it was Levi's turn.

"Auruo Bozado, Gunther Schultz, Erd Jinn, Petra Ral...." He said.

They were all in the top ten, I turned around ready to go back to my dorm and wasn't surprise that my name wasn't called.

"And F/n L/n"

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