Chapter 3

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I put my phone down and started to watch the tv.

"Who were you texting?" Asked Carmen. "Some random guy who thought I was a girl called Rosa, I kinda feel bad for him" I said looking back at the movie.

"Ali your so dumb that could be a 60 year old man" She replied laughing. I rolled my eyes, "Actually I don't have proof he is 23, I will ask him tomorrow." "Whatever you say" She mumbled.

                          The next day
I rolled out of bed at 8am, I boiled the kettle and made myself matcha tea and also made myself avocado toast and fruit, being a model I have to go on a diet which i break a bit too often, but you can't expect me to eat healthy alll the time. I also basically live off of herbal teas.

I took a shower and washed my hair, I brushed my teeth, did my skincare and that stuff, got ready and cleaned my room. I was on my period so all I wanted to do today was relax, thankfully I had nothing on today so I probably wasn't gonna leave the house.

I phoned my cousins back in Mexico for a while and when Carmen came home I chatted with her for a bit. "Nat it's your day for buying groceries" she said to me and smiled.

I groaned, I hate shopping. "Fine." I whined as I rolled my eyes. She laughed and gave me a hug, "Bye Natalia" she smiled and I walked out.

At the store
I found some fancy store and went in because I wasn't bothered to walk that far to the usual one I normally go too, It had so many cameras and even security.

I walked in and brought food, pads, and other random stuff, I walked over to get ice cream.

"I'm so cold" I muttered thinking no one would here me.

Then I felt arms wrap around me. I turned around stunned, it was Neymar?

"Neymar what the fuck?"

"You said you were cold? Why would I let you be cold?" He shrugged.

"I didn't ask for you to hug me I just wanted to get ice cream" I stated while I stared at him.

"Also what are you doing here? don't you have special people that deliver them to you?" I asked

"Yeah well they don't deliver tampons sadly, I gotta get them myself" He laughed while looking at the stuff in my basket, Embarrassing.

I kept staring at him "I'm sorry I was only joking" he frowned, I realised he had his arms around my waist still. "Bye Neymar" I stated and walked away.

As she walked away I felt so guilty, I had done so much to her over the years that wasn't even me, but how was I gonna explain that to her? there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her.
And how I couldn't stop everything that happened. I've never felt so much guilt.

I brought a few stuff and went home, I decided to look through her instagram page and wow, she is really pretty. Her long silky dark brown hair, Her brown eyes, Her tan skin, Her plump lips, Her eyebrows, She looked perfect.

I looked through her other socials for a while then I went to go for a walk, but I couldn't stop thinking about her..

I got home and jumped on the couch, I was a bit bored so I decided I would text this anonymous person

heyy what are you up too?

He didn't reply for a while but while I was
setting up my new laptop I got a notification from him so I took a break to text him.

Not much, I've done some stuff today, just relaxing now though, wbu?

nothing much either, just relaxing as-well and setting up my laptopp, what did you do?

Just played some football that's all haha

do you play for a club?

I play football for a club outside of Barcelona, not in any top leagues though lol

what position?

Centre forward!!

niceee, and do you score goals?

More then Messi😉


So what are your interests?

I like fashion, football and music, not much else.

Cool, well I gotta go do something important, but i'll text you soon Valentina!



I was just done cleaning the kitchen and was gonna head upstairs to get into my pyjamas when I heard a knock on my door, weird, who would be here?

I opened the door and saw Neymar.


guys this chapter is so short and so boring i'm sorry😭 the next chapter stuff will actually happen I promise 🫶 sorry for not updating in a few days school has started so i was a bit busy, and i'm supposed to be asleep it's rly late so im gonna be so tired in the morning for you guys 😭 i don't think anyone even reads this so hopefully in the future people will, i had a football match today and we won so im rly happy🥳 i'm thinking of making a Jude Bellingham story or a Joao Felix one because there is not much on wattpad, and i will not rush the next chapters guys don't worry ok❤️ anyway i hoped you enjoy!
also did you hear joao felix joined barca? i cried I was so happy, He is one of my favourite players and he joined my favourite team so i'm so happy also i've noticed people pretend that english is not there first language on wattpad even though it is, like why would you lie about that?😭 I just think it's really random haha anyways bye loviess
grá mór, julia 🥰

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